Cumuto/Manzanilla Health Fair and Computer Donation

UNC Youth Arm “Hands in the Sands”

UNC Youth Arm assists Diego Martin flood victims

UNC Youth Arm “Hands in the Sands” Balandra

UNC Youths Work Towards UN Millennium Goals


UNC Youth Arm calls for Equity in Youth Agricultural Homestead Programme

The UNC National Youth Arm strongly suspects political discrimination by the PNM in the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries’ Youth Agricultural Homestead Programme (YAHP) that has recently been announced. The Youth Arm has noticed that some youth from a certain...
Posted On 15 Apr 2023
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PNM mobbish and gang-like behaviour has reached our schools

On 6th June 2022 varying angles of very explosive, disorderly, and criminal behaviour was circulated on social media revealing a schoolgirl slashing another schoolgirl’s face in a school fight. This is not the first fight that has gone viral since the reopening of physical...
Posted On 07 Jun 2022
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UNC Youth Arm: The Youth Have Lost A Mentor And True Champion For Young People

The UNC Youth Arm, like the rest of our party are truly saddened by the passing of one of party’s stalwarts, Clifton De Coteau. Mr. De Coteau or “uncle Coto” as many of us called him was a true mentor to hundreds of young people throughout our great party. His...
Posted On 22 Jan 2021
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UNC Youth Arm Tells PM Rowley Call Election Now

After hosting their weekly press conference, the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service has dismissed the “emailgate” affair. It is our view that then Opposition Leader acted with malice in accusing the then Prime Minister, the Honorable Kamla Persad-Bissessar of several serious...
Posted On 18 Jul 2019
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Councillor Concerned for NGOs – Slams ‘Draconian’ Non-Profit Organisations Bill

On Saturday 6th April, 2019 Councillor Chris Hosein held a consultation with NGOs within his electoral district of Reform / Manahambre. According to Councillor Hosein, the Non-Profit Organisations Bill, 2019 which was passed in the Lower House on Friday 29th March, 2019 prompted...
Posted On 06 Apr 2019
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UNC Youth Arm Condemns UWI Campus Crimes – Issues Urgent Call for State Intervention

There has been yet another report of criminal activity on the St. Augustine Campus of the University of the West Indies –this time, the abduction of a female employee. The Youth Arm of the United National Congress is deeply concerned and extremely bothered by this development as...
Posted On 29 Nov 2018
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On Saturday night I listened in disbelief to the speech delivered by Minister of Social Development and Family Services – MP for Lopinot / Bon Air West Mrs. Cherrie-Ann Crichlow-Cockburn where she sought to convince the small gathering at the PNM’s meeting that the government is...
Posted On 21 Aug 2018
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UNC Youth Arm Demands Apology from PM for Disrespectful Display at PNM Family Day

Plastered on the front page of one daily newspaper, I noticed a scene from the PNM’s Family day depicting two persons in costumes disrobing a woman of a yellow sari – a scene which was later described by the PNM’s spokesman extraordinaire Minister Stuart Young as “a little...
Posted On 14 Aug 2018
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UNC Youth Arm – Students to face Wrath of Property Tax

The Youth Arm of the United National Congress notes with great concern the complete disregard the government has shown towards tertiary education students of the UWI who rent off campus as the new Property Tax regime is set to come on stream. Given the limited accommodation on...
Posted On 01 May 2017
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UNC Youth Arm Demands Urgent Action by PM, Ministers of National Security

It is with a deep sense of concern that the UNC Youth Arm notes the distress and apprehension of the population over the failure of the Rowley-led government to effectively address the spiraling crime wave that is sweeping Trinidad and Tobago. We have reached an unnerving 436...
Posted On 12 Dec 2016
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UNC Youth Arm Commemorates International Youth Day with Youth Forum

On Sunday 14th August, 2016 the Youth Arm of the United National Congress in collaboration with the Member of Parliament for Princes Town Hon. Barry Padarath held a Youth Forum in Commemoration of International Youth Day 2016. This year’s theme was “Youth Leading...
Posted On 15 Aug 2016
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A Government for YOU(TH)

The Naparima Youth Arm questions if the Rowley led Government is for YOU(th). Whereas when Mrs. Kamla Persad Bissessar led Government, everywhere you looked you would have seen numerous projects being undertaken for the development of youth in Trinidad and Tobago, such as...
Posted On 20 Jul 2016
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