EID-UL-FITR 2015: Greetings from Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar

Assalam u Alaikum. On behalf of the people and Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, I extend warm greetings to our Muslim brothers and sisters on this most auspicious occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr. May Allah continue to shower you, your families and our nation, with...
Posted On 17 Jul 2015
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PM Kamla promises more delivery in second term

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar on Monday challenged Colm Imbert to show what she has done for Diego Martin during his many years as the MP for the area. She made the point as she delivered the feature address at the UNC’s Monday Night Forum at the Country Club in...
Posted On 14 Jul 2015
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500 get new houses

THE prayers of 500 people were answered yesterday as their names were selected at a live random electronic lottery draw at the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) South Quay head-offices in Port-of-Spain. There was a tense atmosphere at the HDC as scores of persons assembled in...
Posted On 09 Jul 2015
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UNC screening starts tomorrow

PRIME Minister and United National Congress (UNC) political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar is expected to preside over the party’s screening of candidates at Rienzi Complex, Couva headquarters tomorrow evening. The constituencies expected to be screened are Diego Martin North...
Posted On 09 Jul 2015
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Villagers accuse PNM of neglect, while… By ANNA POLIAH VILLAGERS of Bandoo Trace, St Margaret’s are forever thankful for the change in government in 2010, which saw Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar as T&T’s first female leader. The entire village was given a new look...
Posted On 08 Jul 2015
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HDC house keys handed out

ON JULY 24, a total of 140 tenants who have been renting from the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) for the last 30 years will officially become homeowners as they will all receive the deeds to the units they have been occupied all these years. The cost of each unit will only...
Posted On 03 Jul 2015
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PM outlines new plans for TT economy

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar on Friday evening promised to intensify efforts to diversify the country’s economy and create more jobs if her Government were to be elected for a second term. Speaking at a United National Congress (UNC) political meeting at St Helena Hindu...
Posted On 28 Jun 2015
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PM Opens Two New Schools

The official openings of Febeau Primary School, San Juan and St Columba Anglican Early Childhood Care Centre, Barataria were the latest facilities to be added to the growing improved — and internationally recognised — education system lead by Prime Minister Kamla...
Posted On 27 Jun 2015
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100 Tabac farmers thank PM, PP Govt

…can now drive up to their gardens FARMERS of Tabac in Tabaquite are quite grateful for all that have been done for them, since the People’ Partnership (PP) Government took office in 2010. The farmers have moved three steps ahead with transportation while farming in the area. The...
Posted On 25 Jun 2015
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FATHER’S DAY 2015: Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar Message

Today, Trinidad & Tobago joins the rest of the world in honouring good and loving fathers as role models, exemplars and guardians of their children. And while thousands of families in our country will be showing their deep affections with presents, cards and family events,...
Posted On 21 Jun 2015
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Making an IMPACT in Sea Lots West with new Community Centre

The Fighting Chance Boxing Programme is a major part of using sports to help with the overall development of the community. Participants pose for a photo with Minister Tewarie and coach Kirk Sinnette. “Seize the world of possibility with all your heart and soul.” This was the...
Posted On 16 Jun 2015
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Highway construction opens opportunities

Company paints its way to ‘ideal location’ THE businesses emerging as a result of construction of the extension of the Solomon Hochoy Highway to Point Fortin have made Debe the ideal place to open a Sissons Colour Shop, managing director of ANSA Coatings Ltd Roger...
Posted On 01 Jun 2015
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