Villagers accuse PNM of neglect, while…
VILLAGERS of Bandoo Trace, St Margaret’s are forever thankful for the change in government in 2010, which saw Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar as T&T’s first female leader.
The entire village was given a new look with paved roads and sorely needed box drains.
Louis Alexander said the road was dilapidated and water used to flow into his yard.
Now, he said, with the box drains, the water no longer reaches his yard.
Alexander said he also received, not one, but two driveways to his premises for which he is very thankful.
Bidwantee Harry, 65, also expressed gratitude for the work in the area.
Harry, who proudly proclaimed that she was a supporter of the United National Congress (UNC), said she was now seeing development like never seen before.
She expressed her pride and satisfaction with the PP Government.
In Christian Drive, Plaisance Park, residents are also relieved for the retaining walls that are saving their property from damage due to land movement.
Massive Infrastructure works have been done at the site to prevent approximately six homes from being damaged and undermined by flooding when it rains heavily.
Residents of this area had pleaded with past Governments about construction of the retaining wall, but never received as much as one person from the People’s National Movement to listen to their cries.
Not so under the PP Government.
Pointe-a-Pierre MP Errol McLeod, however, approached the problem and made a request to Ministry of Works and Infrastructure to have the work done.
A tour of the area was conducted by McLeod and his Cabinet colleague, Works Minister Dr Suruj Rambachan.
Construction of the retaining wall began shortly after and was completed last month.
Several project to help the constituency continue.
There are other planned projects that include the completion of the Harmony Hall Community Centre, installation of water mains for residential connection at Union Village, Claxton Bay, and refurbishment of the St Margaret’s Community Centre.
Also to be refurbished is the Orkinton Park at Plaisance Park, development of an eco-park at the southern side of Union Park facility in Marabella, development of the waterfront at Flower Pot beach and construction of more infrastructure and schools.
Leroy Niles is today happy that he was able to obtain a temporary food card to help out with his food bill.
Niles of St Margaret’s said he worked with CEPEP.
He explained that he got the card when he was really struggling recently and did not even have groceries at home.
He said the CEPEP salary cannot maintain him so he looks for work otherwise, but was not getting anything to do.
He said he was very grateful for the temporary relief since it went a long way for him.