PM outlines new plans for TT economy
Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar on Friday evening promised to intensify efforts to diversify the country’s economy and create more jobs if her Government were to be elected for a second term.
Speaking at a United National Congress (UNC) political meeting at St Helena Hindu Primary School, Persad-Bissessar outlined some of the Government’s plans of a Green, Blue and Silver economy, which she said would all create more jobs.
She explained that the Green Economy would be “low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive.” Through the conversion of fossil fuel resources to renewable ones, she said jobs would be created in the areas such as retail, distribution, construction for engineers, technicians, and many others in the establishment of new energy resource systems.
The Blue Economy involves the harnessing of the country’s water and marine resources. She said this focus would create jobs in fishing and fish processing, tourism, beach resorts and restaurants, dry docking, marinas, shipping, ship repair and more.
Activity in the Silver Economy would cater for those over 60 who wish to continue working. She noted that getting older does not mean being less productive therefore jobs for those of retirement age would be explored. However, Persad-Bissessar noted that this would be more opportunities in areas such as medical specialists, pension administration, manufacturing retail and distribution of goods and services that cater to the silver population.
She also reviewed her Government’s performance over the past five years, stating that it has delivered 90 percent of its 2010 election promises.
Persad-Bissessar stated that serious crimes had decreased as the Government gave the police more tools to fight crime including more vehicles, GPS in police vehicles, and more training. She noted that the second of 12 naval vessels for the Coast Guard had recently arrived in the country and that a third would be here in July.
“These are important to lock down our boarders to create a maritime wall around Trinidad and Tobago in our fight against crime,” she said.
Persad-Bissessar boasted that during the People’s Partnership’s term, it had overseen the stabilisation, recovery and growth of the economy. She said the PP Government had built or refurbished 100 schools and 100 health centres, built new roads and a thousand new homes, made sure 70 percent of the population had access to clean water, and that she was especially proud of the Children’s Life Fund.
The Prime Minister said her Government would continue to invest in education for children training and quality health care. She also proposed the return of the right to recall of Members of Parliament who do not perform satisfactorily.
“We have a proud record on which to stand but we need more time to finish the job we started to keep Trinidad and Tobago on a progressive path,” she said as she promised to deliver work, security, prosperity, peace, and justice to all.