A Dream Come True

Dear Editor, I would like to commend the Prime Minister and her government for having the leadership and vision for a better Trinidad and Tobago. The most eagerly awaited of those is the new Couva Children’s Hospital. In the words of the Prime Minister, it is “truly amazing...
Posted On 08 Jul 2015
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Protecting our future

Dear Editor, It takes someone with vision and love for country to pledge support for and bring to fruition some of the initiatives that directly benefits the citizenry in a most tangible way. It was with this vision that the “Children’s Life Fund” was set up...
Posted On 08 Jul 2015
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Villagers accuse PNM of neglect, while… By ANNA POLIAH VILLAGERS of Bandoo Trace, St Margaret’s are forever thankful for the change in government in 2010, which saw Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar as T&T’s first female leader. The entire village was given a new look...
Posted On 08 Jul 2015
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