Villagers accuse PNM of neglect, while… By ANNA POLIAH VILLAGERS of Bandoo Trace, St Margaret’s are forever thankful for the change in government in 2010, which saw Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar as T&T’s first female leader. The entire village was given a new look...
Posted On 08 Jul 2015
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Keeping relevant in the global economy

The Editor: Today I remembered a speech given by the CEO of the energy chamber a couple years ago when he posed the question to the audience; what kind of Prime Minister (PM) do you want? Do you want one that’s flying all over the world and building connections plus getting out...
Posted On 07 Jul 2015
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A Plan That Works For All Of T&T

By: Kamla Persad-Bissessar SC WHAT an exciting week since I last wrote for you. I dealt with the gruesome twosome of Rowley and Warner and put them back in their box in a speech in Debe, I was serenaded as I officially opened the Febeau Primary School in San Juan and opened the...
Posted On 07 Jul 2015
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Doh play mas and fraid powder

I spent a cold rainy Sunday afternoon looking at a 1995 American neo-noir crime thriller ‘The Usual Suspects’. This movie which had Academy award winning best supporting actor Kevin Spacey was about a small time con man and his daring exploits. Later in the night looking at the...
Posted On 06 Jul 2015
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Prime Minister Kamla tackles crime upsurge in Enterprise

PRIME Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar on Saturday joined a combined national security force in Enterprise, Chaguanas, as she took forward ‘Operation Restore 2’ to return peace and safety to the people of the central community. Following the weekly Cabinet meeting on Thursday, the...
Posted On 04 Jul 2015
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Charles: PNM distortions have crossed the line

THE habitual distortion and manipulation of facts by the Opposition PNM and its Leader, Dr Keith Rowley, have crossed the line, with the latest attempt to create doubt about the legality of the date of the 2015 general election. A statement from the PRO and Campaign Manager of...
Posted On 04 Jul 2015
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Rowley to Resurrect Vision 2020 Plan

Dr Rowley’s stated at a recent meeting in San Fernando that the PNM plans to resurrect the failed Vision 2020 Plan is cause for concern. To begin with, reliance on the dated and suspect Vision 2020 Plan, clearly demonstrates that Dr Rowley and the PNM does not have a progressive...
Posted On 03 Jul 2015
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PM Persad-Bissessar: Opposition wrong on General Election date

CLAIMS by Opposition Leader, Dr Keith Rowley on the 2015 General Election date are being dismissed as misleading and inaccurate, according to a statement issued by the Office of the Prime Minister on Friday. The release stated: “A letter was sent to then Acting President,...
Posted On 03 Jul 2015
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HDC house keys handed out

ON JULY 24, a total of 140 tenants who have been renting from the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) for the last 30 years will officially become homeowners as they will all receive the deeds to the units they have been occupied all these years. The cost of each unit will only...
Posted On 03 Jul 2015
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PM attends 36th Meeting of CARICOM Heads

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar SC will attend the 36th Regular Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) in Bridgetown, Barbados. The theme of the conference is “Vibrant Societies, Resilient Economies: A Partnership for...
Posted On 01 Jul 2015
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