
A grim year under Stuart Young: 502 murders

“Today marks the first anniversary of Stuart Young’s unsuccessful stint as Minister of National Security. His record thus far has been one of incompetence, inexperience, non-performance and outright cluelessness. 502 murders under his watch has placed him amongst the worst...
Posted On 06 Aug 2019
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Opposition Leader Emancipation Day Message

I join with the national community in extending Emancipation Day Greetings to our brothers and sisters of African heritage on the 185th Anniversary of Emancipation. On August 1st, 1985 Trinidad and Tobago became the first country in the world to declare Emancipation Day a public...
Posted On 01 Aug 2019
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Gopeesingh calls Rowley attack on the Judiciary and Attorneys disgraceful

Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley has lowered his already abominable standards in his reprehensible and reckless attacks on the judiciary and attorneys. Dr. Rowley’s vicious and senseless criticisms further confirm him as lacking the capacity, temperament and aptitude to lead...
Posted On 29 Jul 2019
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Charles: Anti-Gang, Explain Your Wealth and now Bail Amendment Bill, same story

Naparima MP is calling on PM Rowley to tell the country, with a straight face, how the proposed Bail Amendment Bill will measurably reduce, and by how much, our murder rate, or gang membership, or serious crimes and in what specific time frame. “Tell us for example that...
Posted On 29 Jul 2019
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Ramona: Hinds Should Apologise For His Callous And Insensitive Remarks

MP Ramona Ramdial is calling on Minister Fitzgerald Hinds to apologise for the callous and insensitive remarks he made in response to her comments about no government representative visiting the families of dead and missing Orange Valley fishermen on a popular TV morning show...
Posted On 29 Jul 2019
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Tim: Disgraceful Decisions by a Shameless Gov’t on Couva Children’s Hospital

The stark reality of this Rowley-administration’s arrogant, adamant, disgraceful and hypocritical refusal to open the very modern, advanced, technologically-equipped, state-of-the-art Couva Children’s Hospital, has brought nation-wide, Caribbean and International condemnation of...
Posted On 24 Jul 2019
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Charles to AG Al-Rawi: Passing more laws wouldn’t solve crime

“Attorney General Al Rawi, more and more legislation will merely clog our systems and institutions, overwhelm our DPP office, strain our under resourced and understaffed Forensic Science Centre, overload our judiciary, overcrowd our prisons making them non-functional and have no...
Posted On 24 Jul 2019
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Charles: National Security news conference – a PR exercise

  Listening to the Minister of National Security at this evening’s press conference confirmed once again why this government is out of its depth, refuses to set quantifiable performance targets, and this Minister Young is not up to the task of reducing crime or...
Posted On 21 Jul 2019
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Paray: PM Rowley must resign over Emailgate fraud

Mayaro MP Rushton Paray is now calling on Prime Minister Dr.Keith Rowley to immediately resign following the dismissal of the investigations into the so called “emailgate affair”, due to a lack of credibility. “With over 30 years experience in the Information Technology field, it...
Posted On 20 Jul 2019
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Kamla to Keith Rowley: The people of T&T have seen you for what you are – a desperate man clinging to power

Today we saw a man desperately trying to hold on to power, doubling down on his lies. Imagine, Rowley spoke today about turning the “evidence” over to the police. What “evidence”? His copybook pages? Keith Rowley has achieved a new level of shamelessness today, speaking for over...
Posted On 18 Jul 2019
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Padarath: Rowley will pay the ultimate political price for emailgate

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath has joined the growing chorus for Prime Minister, Keith Rowley to resign following yesterday’s announcement by the TTPS that the “Emailgate” investigation has come to a close, clearing former Prime Minister, Kamla Persad Bissessar...
Posted On 18 Jul 2019
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UNC PRO: Retired Justice Sebastian Ventour must step down from Commission of Enquiry

The United National Congress is calling on retired Justice Sebastian Ventour to immediately resign from the controversial Commission of Enquiry into the process of land acquisition for the Port Fortin Highway project. In a statement today, UNC PRO, Senator Anita Haynes reiterated...
Posted On 17 Jul 2019
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