Tim: Disgraceful Decisions by a Shameless Gov’t on Couva Children’s Hospital
The stark reality of this Rowley-administration’s arrogant, adamant, disgraceful and hypocritical refusal to open the very modern, advanced, technologically-equipped, state-of-the-art Couva Children’s Hospital, has brought nation-wide, Caribbean and International condemnation of their shameful, malicious, vindictive and politically vicious decision.
This decision to have a Hospital of First-World Standard to now be used for dispensation of CDAP drugs as its major operationalisation of the facility to include Patient Medication Therapy Management, can be seen as emanating from a Government team, experiencing serious dementia and devoid of any intellectual capacity and capability, bordering on Alzheimer’s and Schizophrenic behavioural patterns.
There are already over 250 Pharmacies and their Pharmacists nationwide, dispensing CDAP pharmaceuticals, while educating the patients on their use.
This Rowley-government and Minister Deyalsingh positioning the CDAP drug dispensation at Couva Hospital as a “game changer”, is a grave insult to the intelligence of and gross disrespect to our citizens requiring secondary and tertiary healthcare and also to the highly trained medical fraternity.
It is frightening and scandalous when thousands of patients in serious need of proper hospitalisation and urgent surgical procedures are left suffering and dying when an institution -much desired by even first-world countries- remains closed. It is simply appalling.
This Rowley-regime came into government confused and ignorant of the requirements of the Health Sector, promising a plan (Welch Report) which came after two years, with just one major recommendation, which is a Public Sector/Private Sector Partnership for the use of the Couva Children’s Hospital.
Now, nearly after four years, no Private Sector entity has found it feasible to partner or associate with this failed, visionless, miserable, grossly incompetent, inept and corrupt regime.
At first, gross and serious untruths were told when Minister Deyalsingh said they do not have enough Doctors and Nurses to run the Hospital, when there were in fact hundreds of Doctors and Nurses begging for jobs.
Their next statement -(Welch recommendations) Public Sector/ Private Sector Partnership for the Hospital – failed.
Next came ‘the Government owes UWI 200 Million’. This Government decided to transfer a 2 Billion Hospital to UWI because UWI is owed 200 Million. Following this, UWI, which has never managed even a parlour, was given the responsibility to manage the Hospital.
Recently, there appears a statement that there will be an offshore Medical School at Couva Hospital. Quo Vadis? This new Couva Hospital is now reduced to a CDAP Drugs Dispensing Centre.
What an amazing, astonishing, startling, dumbfounded and stupefying Rowley-led Government, in a widespread, confused state of mind and thought, in the midst of its vicious defiance of bringing to proper use, the Couva Children’s Hospital.
This egregious abuse of the 229 Billion spent so far, with borrowing of more than 30 Billion, by the Rowley-Government which has maliciously chosen to sacrifice citizens’ medical care and overall quality of life is horrifying.
This present Government’s preference to imperil the health of its citizens instead of utilising the 80 Paediatric and 100 Adult Beds and technologically advanced equipment and Operating Theatres are simply outrageous and abhorrent acts perpetrated on our children and citizens of our nation, now in serious crisis and is seriously unacceptable.