Padarath: Rowley will pay the ultimate political price for emailgate
Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath has joined the growing chorus for Prime Minister, Keith Rowley to resign following yesterday’s announcement by the TTPS that the “Emailgate” investigation has come to a close, clearing former Prime Minister, Kamla Persad Bissessar and others from committing any wrong.
Padarath stated that Rowley and his government is an illegitimate government since they rode the back of “Emailgate” into power. He added that this was the greatest political hoax of all time and that the people of Trinidad and Tobago will not be forgiving to Rowley and his government when the election is called.
The Princes Town MP said that he had taken note of the Attorney General’s weak and feeble response to yesterday’s news from the TTPS. He stated that the AG’s pathetic attempt to legitimize parts of the information contained in the bogus emails was done for political expediency. The Attorney General continues to undermine public trust and confidence in that office because he cannot take off his PNM cap, even when the law is staring him in the face that the PNM is wrong.
Padarath indicated that no amount of spin from the Prime Minister and the government could change the fact that the email addresses did not even exist, therefore how could one delete emails from an address that did not exist among other issues. The Prime Minister and his government’s wrong and strong approach is a further attempt to save face from a population who had grown weary and fed-up of a government built on lies, deception, fake news and fabrication.
The Princes Town MP sounded a warning to the government that they would pay the ultimate political price for Emailgate when the elections are called. He added that the Prime Minister should adhere to the traditions of Westminster and tender his resignation. If this were to occur anywhere else in the world, the Prime Minister and government would have resigned already. The failure of the Prime Minister and the government to resign says a lot about our country. It says that we have a government that doesn’t adhere to the rule of law and natural justice.
Padarath reminded the Prime Minister that the power of the people is stronger than the people in power and that he can run but he cannot hide. With just one year to go before completing his term in office, Padarath said Rowley could not run from the electorate much longer, since sooner or later he will have to face the music and similarly to 2015 this Emailgate fiasco will play a significant role in the population deciding who they could trust to run the affairs of the nation.
While Rowley hid behind parliamentary privilege to peddle fake emails, it is parliamentary practice for one to take ownership of the information one brings to the Parliament. Therefore, these fake emails are bolted to the persona of a Prime Minister using fake emails to get him into office.