
Kamla: Rowley Abandons Stuart Young in Vote of No Confidence

In an incredible scene today at Parliament, the Government hijacked the Motion of No Confidence moved by the Leader of the Opposition, effectively shutting down the debate and denying the Opposition Leader her right to reply. It is clear that they were running from the exposure...
Posted On 27 Jan 2021
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Opposition Leader: Stuart Young caught in another lie

Leader of the Opposition the Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP today exposed another act of deceit by National Security Minister Stuart Young. In moving a Motion of No Confidence in the Minister of National Security, the Opposition Leader revealed that Minister Young...
Posted On 27 Jan 2021
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UNC: How Much is Stuart Young Costing Trinidad and Tobago Every Day?

The country is now getting the details of the outrageous costs that the Government of Trinidad and Tobago will have to pay Vertical Aviation Services in the US, all because of Stuart Young. If Vertical Aviation gets the $100 million judgement that it is demanding, it is wholly...
Posted On 25 Jan 2021
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UNC: Our Children are Paying the Price of Rowley’s and the PNM’s Spite

The admission by the Ministry of Education that almost 50,000 students have never logged on to the Ministry’s learning platform – and are therefore being left behind by Keith Rowley and the PNM Government — is heartbreaking. It is truly an education scandal. One would...
Posted On 24 Jan 2021
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UNC Youth Arm: The Youth Have Lost A Mentor And True Champion For Young People

The UNC Youth Arm, like the rest of our party are truly saddened by the passing of one of party’s stalwarts, Clifton De Coteau. Mr. De Coteau or “uncle Coto” as many of us called him was a true mentor to hundreds of young people throughout our great party. His...
Posted On 22 Jan 2021
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Kamla: Why did it take 10 months for Stuart Young to revise the exemption process?

The announcement on Friday 22nd January of a new process for citizens to apply for exemptions is a clear admission by the Minister of National Security that he has failed the people of Trinidad and Tobago with his poorly conceived exemption process. Minister Stuart Young should...
Posted On 22 Jan 2021
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Kamla pays tribute to UNC stalwart and patriot Clifton de Coteau

I am deeply saddened by the passing of one of our nation’s finest sons of the soil, our party’s former Vice Chairman& Education Officer, Clifton De Coteau. Clifton was a true stalwart of the United National Congress, offering our members, and by extension our...
Posted On 22 Jan 2021
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UNC: Keith Rowley Needs to Stop His Deranged Obsession With Smearing the UNC

We are concerned with Keith Rowley’s unhealthy obsession with smearing the UNC, while Trinidad and Tobago suffers more and more pain under his failed leadership. On Wednesday, the Prime Minister gave a vile, unstatesmanlike and disgusting answer to a question about t...
Posted On 21 Jan 2021
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Kamla congratulates 46th President of the United States of America

I wish to extend congratulations to President Joseph R. Biden Jr. on becoming the 46th President of the United States. I also wish to extend a special congratulations to Vice President Kamala Devi Harris on becoming the first woman of colour to hold the office of Vice President...
Posted On 21 Jan 2021
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Kamla: Keith Rowley must be held accountable over refinery sale fiasco

Every time Keith Rowley has been exposed as a liar he resorts to personal insults as a way to deflect. Now that his pledge to sell the Petrotrin refinery to Patriotic Energies has been exposed as yet another lie, he is predictably “blaming Kamla” once more. Rowley’s actions would...
Posted On 20 Jan 2021
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MP Paray: Government Must Save ASA Wright Nature Centre

The Government must immediately intervene and save the eco-lodge of the heritage Asa Wright Nature Centre from closure. This historic nature resort and scientific research station is a precious national resource, and must not be allowed to close its doors to its thousands of...
Posted On 20 Jan 2021
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MP Haynes: Gov’t continues to play its game of surprise, trifling with our billion-dollar assets

The Member of Parliament for Tabaquite, Ms. Anita Haynes, has noted with concern the government’s latest turnabout regarding the sale of the Petrotrin Refinery. In a media conference hosted by the Minister of Energy and the Minister of Finance earlier today, Trinidad and Tobago...
Posted On 19 Jan 2021
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