

The Constituency of Oropouche West have been hit with a slew of criminal activities, in particular invasion of homes and businesses. Once more residents were left terrified on the 24th of August as in broad daylight, gun toting criminals roamed the streets robbing and abusing...
Posted On 26 Aug 2022
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Government Attempts to Hoodwink Scrap Iron Workers

The People’s National Movement (PNM) continues to create mayhem and chaos in the daily lives of the poor and vulnerable of Trinidad and Tobago, now it is the scrap iron industry, and its workers turn. The farcical and nonsensical statement by the Minister and Social Development...
Posted On 25 Aug 2022
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MPs Support Protests

MPs for the area, Rodney Charles and Dr Roodal Moonilal have noted the deafening silence by the Government in the face of protests taking place throughout the country and this morning at No.2 Junction, and various other parts of Barrackpore. These areas border both the...
Posted On 23 Aug 2022
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PADARATH: Calls for immediate assessment of Gandhi village Sub Station facilities

In light of the most recent black out, due to a landslide which caused damage to the sub station at Gandhi Village, Shadow for Public Utilities, Barry Padarath, MP, is calling for an immediate assessment of the facilities. Padarath also took umbrage with the line Minister’s...
Posted On 19 Aug 2022
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Tancoo to Minister of Public Utilities: “Come down from there and stop talking down to citizens”

“The Minister of Public Utilities’ comment that citizens should be grateful that they have access to the kind of public utilities provided by the government reeks of the arrogance, disconnect and disgust that Minister Gonzales and his colleagues have for our citizens. For...
Posted On 15 Aug 2022
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In keeping with green initiatives and relevant movements concerning the protection and preservation of the environment, as Member of Parliament for my constituency of St. Augustine, I will be hosting a green initiative by planting 1000 trees throughout various recreational...
Posted On 13 Aug 2022
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TANCOO: Government’s priorities screwed up

“Once again the Rowley government shows its total disconnect from the needs of the population. Earlier this week, PNM Minister of Housing and Urban Development Camille Robinson Regis announced that the government intends to spend $7.5 million to celebrate the country’s 60th...
Posted On 06 Aug 2022
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TSTT COURT CASE- An immoral waste of taxpayers money

Last Friday, the Court of Appeal of Trinidad and Tobago ruled that TSTT was wrong in seeking to declare that it was not a public body, so that it could have avoided having to provide answers to questions raised by citizens, under the Freedom of Information Act. One citizen, Ravi...
Posted On 03 Aug 2022
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TANCOO: How many more must die?

The unfinished highway which ends prematurely in Debe, needs immediate mechanisms to alert drivers says MP for Oropouche West, Davendranath Tancoo. Three youths from Trincity escaped with their lives early Saturday morning when they crashed into the roundabout’s concrete barriers...
Posted On 31 Jul 2022
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Opposition Leader Emancipation Day Message

Today I join with the national community in celebrating the 188th Anniversary of Emancipation. Today as we remember one of the darkest events in humanity, we acknowledge the strength of a people to defeat what can only be described as grave evil to become an invaluable pillar of...
Posted On 31 Jul 2022
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Transparency and Accountability upheld by the Court of Appeal

The decision of the Court of Appeal in a matter initiated by activist Ravi Balgobin Maharaj against TSTT is an important victory for transparency and accountability, more so at a time when state and state controlled enterprises are “restructuring” and job losses are imminent....
Posted On 30 Jul 2022
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TANCOO: Stop the games and do your job, Imbert

The blatant disrespect and scorn that the Minister of Finance Colm Imbert shows the working population in this country is abhorrent and unacceptable, says MP for Oropouche West, Davendranath Tancoo. This week saw frustrated immigration officers absent themselves from work,...
Posted On 30 Jul 2022
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