St Joseph Constituency extends Lenten/Easter greetings

PRESS RELEASE Lenten/Easter greetings ‘So it is written that the Christ would suffer and on the third day rise from the dead’ – Luke 24:46 Easter is a Christian festival and holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his crucifixion at...
Posted On 28 Mar 2013
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Oropuche West constituents receive help from their MP

Speaking at her constituency office on Tuesday 26th March 2013 at a distribution ceremony of various grants and services, Member of Parliament for Oropouche West and Minister in the Ministry of Works and Infrastructure, the Hon Stacy Roopnarine, said that it was important that as...
Posted On 27 Mar 2013
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What the Prime Minister Said

It was predictable. It was ironic. It was predictably ironic. The Prime Minister’s mere whisper at the UNC’s Monday Night Forum for fair and balanced journalism was presented through screaming headlines of “rogue” elements in the media. But the actual address on Monday and the...
Posted On 27 Mar 2013
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Nothing wrong with Defence Bill

THE EDITOR: I have been reading and seeing all the uproar about the Defence Bill which has been deemed by the media as “controversial”. I can’t grasp what is so “controversial” about this Bill though. Army officers have been working alongside police officers for years, the only...
Posted On 27 Mar 2013
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Good service at San-Fernando Hospital

Wednesday, March 27 2013 THE EDITOR: Recently with the horror stories coming from the General Hospitals I would like the opportunity to air my story which was quite the opposite. I was 34 weeks pregnant when I was admitted to the maternity ward of the San Fernando General...
Posted On 27 Mar 2013
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Easy as Sunday morning!

This country has been in political turmoil for some time with many groups engaging in protest actions. The blogs,talk shows and other  media all carry news of  disgruntled persons spewing venom at the Government. Now is the time to stop talking and get into  action with real...
Posted On 27 Mar 2013
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Make positive lifestyle changes urges minister

Recreation grounds should be used by the community to keep lifestyle diseases down. This comes from Rudranath Indarsingh, the Couva South MP, and minister in the Ministry of Finance when he spoke at the ceremony to turn on floodlights at the Milton Recreation Ground, Couva last...
Posted On 26 Mar 2013
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‘Rogue elements’ in media

By NEWSDAY STAFF Tuesday, March 26 2013 PRIME MINISTER Kamla Persad-Bissessar last night publicly called on the Media Association of Trinidad and Tobago (MATT), to not only be a watchdog body in defence of journalists but to also hold its members accountable for, “either wilfully...
Posted On 26 Mar 2013
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Moonilal: Govt not communicating with the people

The lack of communication with the people on achievements and policies is a problem the People’s Partnership Government faces and intends to fix, says Housing Minister Dr Roodal Moonilal. The United National Congress (UNC) restarted its Monday night forum meetings last night at...
Posted On 26 Mar 2013
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St. Helena Delta Bridge connecting Kelly Village to Piarco

The St Helena community received a $82.9 million Bypass which was opened by Works and Infrastructure Minister, Jack Warner in December 2011. The new bypass will ease congestion in the busy village off Piarco, which connects the Borough of Arima and surrounding areas to Caroni.
Posted On 25 Mar 2013
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