Make positive lifestyle changes urges minister
Recreation grounds should be used by the community to keep lifestyle diseases down. This comes from Rudranath Indarsingh, the Couva South MP, and minister in the Ministry of Finance when he spoke at the ceremony to turn on floodlights at the Milton Recreation Ground, Couva last Wednesday.
Indarsingh said lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and heart-related problems were on the rise because a large section of the community failed to exercise adequately and follow a healthy diet. He said with the advent of more lit grounds in T&T, more people should go out and start making positive lifestyle changes.
Indarsingh said rural communities such as Milton Village had seen little development in 40 years under the PNM regime. He said it was the PP government’s intention to treat all constituencies fairly and ensure rural communities benefited from a measure of development.
Nicole Rodriguez-Eligon, director of communications at the Ministry of Public Utilities, delivered an address on behalf of Nizam Baksh, Minister of Public Utilities who was unavoidably absent. Rodriguez-Eligon said recreation grounds should be used to strengthen family ties in a setting of enjoyment and relaxation. “Stronger families lead to a stronger community and a stronger nation,” she said.
She urged community members to form exercise groups and organise competitions with a family touch. Rodriguez-Eligon said studies in the United States showed areas with a low level of physical activity had higher rates of crime.
Kelvin Ramsook, the General Manager of T&TEC urged the community to conserve electricity when the facilities are not in use. He said on days when it rains and no activity is taking place, the lights should remain off in a bid not only to save power but extend the life of the bulbs. Ramsook said over 170 grounds and a number of public spaces including taxi stands have been lit by T&TEC.
Good work of the govt