
Kamla condemns Stuart Young’s continued attempts to mislead

Outrageous & misleading I join the thousands of disgusted citizens in condemning Minister Young for misleading the country into thinking that he was calling an urgent official media conference on a Sunday morning to deal with matters pertaining to National Security and...
Posted On 02 Aug 2020
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Kamla: Young’s response on recusals raises more questions than answers

Minister Young’s response to the scandalous revelations by the Cabinet Secretariat over the staggering number of times he was forced to recuse himself from Cabinet meetings during 2016-2020 raises more questions than answers. In response to an application of the Freedom of...
Posted On 01 Aug 2020
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From Millionaire to Billionaire, PNM Style

The Attorney General Faris A-Rawi and the Minister of National Security long list of “recusals” from Cabinet Meetings because of CONFLICT OF INTEREST matters. Stuart Young recused himself on a least 57 occasions! An application was made under the Freedom of Information Act...
Posted On 31 Jul 2020
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Haynes: Young unfit for public office

Stuart Young continues to show that he is unfit to hold any public office in Trinidad and Tobago. During this tenure as Minister of National Security crime has spiralled out of control and rather than do the dignified and respectable thing and resign, he has opted for scandal and...
Posted On 29 Jul 2020
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UNC Writes EBC on Election Concerns

The Chairman of the United National Congress has today written to Mrs. Fern Narcis-Scope, the Chief Election Officer of the Elections and Boundaries Commission requesting an urgent follow-up meeting which had been promised by the EBC to discuss certain issues which have the...
Posted On 28 Jul 2020
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Kamla: Keith Rowley Trying to Mislead the Population on Election Observers

Political Leader of the United National Congress Kamla Persad Bissessar, SC is accusing the Prime Minister of trying to mislead the public on the ability of Commonwealth Observers to monitor the 2020 General Election in Trinidad and Tobago. On July 8th, 2020 the Prime Minister...
Posted On 26 Jul 2020
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Kamla places UNC on alert as Tropical Storm Gonzalo approaches T&T

As our country braces for the effects of Tropical Storm Gonzalo, the United National Congress advises that all campaign activities have been immediately suspended until further notice. Political Leader of the UNC, Mrs Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, is urging all citizens to remain...
Posted On 25 Jul 2020
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UNC Knocks PM’s Pathetic Attempts to Cause Racial Discord Ahead of Elections

Keith Rowley is again trying to divide the population by purposefully using the word “black” instead of “blank” with the hopes of stirring a racial argument to distract the population from his failed tenure. The term used – which, to be clear, was “blank man” in reference...
Posted On 17 Jul 2020
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The UNC has taken note of a video circulating on social media showing an individual with a UNC T-shirt and money inside of it. The video was no doubt created in an attempt to add credence to Keith Rowley’s bogus claims that the UNC has been engaging in buying votes. The UNC...
Posted On 16 Jul 2020
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Kamla Set Guidelines for UNC Candidates

Political Leader of the United National Congress, Mrs. Kamla Persad-Bissessar has noted the recent attacks on platforms of some political parties and has called on UNC candidates to be responsible and respectful as they campaign. The UNC Leader issued the following statement: As...
Posted On 15 Jul 2020
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The UNC empathizes with the stranded families and citizens

The UNC empathizes with the stranded families and citizens who are going through this difficult period, and we urge you to remain strong. Once again Keith Rowley has demonstrated a complete lack of care or compassion for the thousands of citizens stranded outside of their home...
Posted On 13 Jul 2020
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Today a contingent from the United National Congress met with and discussed for the second time, several key election issues with the Election and Boundaries Commission. The meeting was held once again at the request of the UNC and is the first follow up to a previous meeting...
Posted On 10 Jul 2020
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