ILP candidate held with gun, ammo

A 38-YEAR-OLD man of Coconut Drive in Morvant who was presented on Sunday as one of the Independent Liberal Party (ILP) candidates for the October 21 Local Government election, was detained yesterday by police after he was found with a semi-automatic pistol and ammunition....
Posted On 02 Oct 2013
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T&T and European Union talk Climate Change

September 30, 2013: New York – Minister of State in the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources, the Honourable Ramona Ramdial has held crucial discussions on climate change with European Union (EU) Commissioner for Climate Action, Ms Connie Hedegaard. The bilateral...
Posted On 30 Sep 2013
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AG happy Hinds breaks silence on four-storey palace

Attorney General Anand Ramlogan says he’s happy that Opposition Senator Fitzgerald Hinds has stopped running from the media and has broken his silence “on his magnificent four-storey palace in Maraval.” However, Ramlogan said Hinds has still refused to answers the questions posed...
Posted On 29 Sep 2013
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Central Bank: Core inflation remains stable

The Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago (CBTT) says core inflation is “still stable” and the non-energy sector continues to drive economic activity.
Posted On 28 Sep 2013
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PM discusses wind farm in TT

PRIME Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar discussed the possibility of establishing a wind farm in east Trinidad “for generation of up to 100 megawatts of power” and the establishment of a regional renewable energy centre in this country as well.
Posted On 27 Sep 2013
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Fitzgerald won’t answer on $14 Million house

OPPOSITION Senator Fitzgerald Hinds yesterday sidestepped Attorney General (AG) Anand Ramlogan’s claims that Hinds lives in a $14 million mansion and has probably never invited poor children to visit, despite Hinds recently having told needy persons not to accept charitable...
Posted On 27 Sep 2013
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Nariva land for rice cultivation

Trinidad and Tobago is moving one step closer to becoming a food secure nation. This, after Cabinet has approved the allocation of 1,500 acres of State lands at Nariva to be allocated for commercial rice production. 
Posted On 26 Sep 2013
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Fitzgerald’s $15M mansion

ATTORNEY GENERAL Anand Ramlogan called Opposition PNM Senator Fizgerald Hinds a hypocrite for telling Diego Martin schoolchildren not to accept UNC charity, while himself living in a $15 million, four-storey, upscale mansion in Maraval outfitted with a swimming pool.
Posted On 26 Sep 2013
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T&T Taught Canada an Anti-Corruption Lesson

After weeks of maneuvering by the Canadian government to secure a lucrative contract in Trinidad and Tobago for graft-tainted engineering giant SNC-Lavalin, the government of that Caribbean nation has announced that it isn’t interested in dealing with a company that has...
Posted On 26 Sep 2013
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Ramnarine clears air on gas deal

Recent “misinformation” by the Opposition PNM on the T&T/Venezuelan Loran Manatee gas venture has the potential to damage T&T’s relationship with Venezuela, its standing in the international energy community and it has damaged T&T’s future, says Energy Minister Kevin...
Posted On 25 Sep 2013
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Minister knocks Marlene on gas deal

Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine says the voting rights for the Loran/Manatee field are shared between the Government (16.9 per cent), BGTT  (4.98 per cent) and Chevron T&T (4.98 per cent). 
Posted On 24 Sep 2013
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PM at 2013 Clinton Global Initiative

PM KAMLA PERSAD-BISSESSAR will be a featured speaker at 2013 CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE (CGI). CGI’s 2013 theme, MOBILIZING FOR  IMPACT,  explores ways that CGI members and member organizations can be more effective in leveraging individuals, partner organizations, an...
Posted On 21 Sep 2013
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