AG: Way clear for Hart trial

Attorney General Anand Ramlogan yesterday hailed the “historic landmark ruling” by the High Court which he said would pave the way for former State executives like Calder Hart, Leelanda Rampaul, Ken Julien, Malcolm Jones and others to face trial for actions and decisions taken...
Posted On 29 Oct 2013
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PRIME Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar said yesterday surveys were just a snapshot of the present, as she responded to questions about an Express poll that put the United National Congress (UNC) behind the Opposition People’s National Movement (PNM) in the upcoming St Joseph...
Posted On 28 Oct 2013
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Highway patrol nabs kidnappers, rescues victim

The Trinidad and Tobago Police Service Highway Patrol Unit reported success on its first day on the nation’s roads with the discovery of a man hogtied and beaten in the trunk of a car. In a news release issued by the Ministry of National Security, it was reported that at 12.05 am...
Posted On 27 Oct 2013
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Alleyne promises ‘performance’ in St Joseph

THERE were mixed reactions from Quarry Drive, Champs Fleurs residents yesterday to United National Congress (UNC) candidate in the St Joseph bye-election Ian Alleyne, with some people willing to give him a chance to make good on his promises of delivery and others saying that his...
Posted On 24 Oct 2013
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ILP admits buying $25,000 phone cards

INTERIM deputy political leader of the Independent Liberal Party (ILP) Lyndira Oudit yesterday said the party needed thousands of mobile phones in order to allow its election agents to communicate on election day as she said $25,000 in phone cards was bought. Oudit dismissed ...
Posted On 23 Oct 2013
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I warned you about splitting the vote

PRIME MINISTER Kamla Persad-Bissessar said Monday that she warned supporters against splitting the vote, but was largely ignored, and the result was a People’s National Movement (PNM) victory at the polls. The Peoples Partnership’s campaign theme was to encourage supporters ...
Posted On 23 Oct 2013
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EBC: Caratal/Tortuga residents to vote at Gasparillo Govt School

The Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC) has advised voters in the electoral district of Caratal/Tortuga to vote at Gasparillo Government Primary School today. In a release to the media, the EBC stated that for electors in Polling Division No. 3280, in the Electoral District...
Posted On 21 Oct 2013
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Warner fails to pay taxes

Austin Jack Warner, the once powerful football figure who boasted of having deep pockets before his entry into politics, has been operating outside this country’s tax laws with impunity for more than a decade in what tax experts say is a deliberate scheme to evade the payment of...
Posted On 20 Oct 2013
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Attorney General Anand Ramlogan is holding his ground that he has done no wrong. Dismissing objections of his critics who contend that his public posture on disclosures relating to Independent Liberal Party deputy political leader Anna Deonarine was inconsistent with his role as...
Posted On 19 Oct 2013
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PRIME Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar yesterday defended Attorney General Anand Ramlogan declaring that there is “hard evidence” to support claims by Ramlogan and other speakers on the United National Congress’ (UNC) local government elections campaign platform, against...
Posted On 18 Oct 2013
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Probe into ILP buying $25,100 in phone cards

An investigation has been launched into an incident where thousands of dollars worth of phone cards were given to the Independent Liberal Party (ILP) from the Valpark branch of Tru Valu supermarket. Eastern Commercial Lands Limited, trading as Tru Valu, issued a statement...
Posted On 18 Oct 2013
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Police give Election Day warning

THE Police Service today issued a statement advising citizens on the rules governing the election day process. The country goes to the polls on Monday, October 21, to vote in the Local Government elections. The following is the full statement from the Police Service – In a...
Posted On 17 Oct 2013
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