
Opposition Leader the Hon Kamla Persad-Bissessar extends greetings to the Spiritual Shouter Baptist Community

On behalf of the Opposition and my family, I extend greetings to the entire Spiritual Shouter Baptist Community as we commemorate and celebrate Spiritual Shouter Baptist Liberation Day 2017.   The Spiritual Shouter Baptist community is now an integral part of our multi-cultural,...
Posted On 30 Mar 2017
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Fuad:Unavailability of CT Scanners in Public Health System unacceptable

The current state of Computed Tomography (CT) Scanners at our public health institutions is completely unacceptable and needs to be corrected by the Minister of Health immediately. This is the second consecutive year that Mr. Deyalsingh continues to deliver excuses in the place...
Posted On 29 Mar 2017
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UNC Chairman – Government’s Legislation geared towards Public Relations

As Trinidad and Tobago battles a crime epidemic, the fact is none of the recently tabled pieces of legislation piloted by the Attorney General has been done with the aim of, or even possesses the potency to directly address the brutal acts of violence, murder and daily threats to...
Posted On 25 Mar 2017
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Moonilal begs for compassion for evicted families

Oropouche East MP Dr. Roodal Moonilal is pleading with the Keith Rowley-led Government to show some compassion for over twenty-five (25) families who have been evicted by the Housing Development Corporation (HDC). The families, including over 50 children were told they must...
Posted On 21 Mar 2017
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AG Al-Rawi seeks to have Parliament pass laws that were previously struck down by the High Court

At 2:20 pm on Tuesday afternoon the Parliament and the people of Trinidad and Tobago witnessed Attorney General Faris al Rawi do what no other Attorney General in the history of our country has ever done. This Rowley appointed Attorney General piloted the Miscellaneous Provisions...
Posted On 16 Mar 2017
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Opposition Leader Message on the Occasion of Commonwealth Day

I am pleased to join with the 52 members of the Commonwealth, and its 2.4 billion citizens, in commemorating Commonwealth Day 2017, under the theme “A Peace-Building Commonwealth”. The theme of “peace-building” reaffirms the Commonwealth Charter principle that “international...
Posted On 12 Mar 2017
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Kamla calls on Government to table the Gender Policy

Today as I join the world and our national community in the observance of International Women’s Day, I ask all of us to work individually and collectively to effect change so that women will occupy their rightful places as equals in our world. The theme for 2017 is “Be Bold...
Posted On 07 Mar 2017
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Moonilal: Our nation has never been more unsafe, calls for gov’t to resign

The murders of three people at Debe on Thursday night are the direct result of the PNM Government’s rank incompetence in handling the ever-worsening crime scourge throughout Trinidad and Tobago. The loss of three more lives to the crime epidemic further highlights t...
Posted On 03 Mar 2017
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Kamla slams Gov’t continued attempts to mislead the population over the FATCA Bill

“Government’s failure to earlier establish a JSC on the TIEA Bill (FATCA) was due to Government incompetence” Leader of the Opposition, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP is criticizing the Government’s continued attempts to mislead the population over the FATCA issue, even after the...
Posted On 28 Feb 2017
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Padarath: Rowley Must Act, Faris and Camille have Questions to Answer

Princes Town MP Barry Padarath is calling on the Attorney General to clear the air on a newspaper report that RBL had provided information on the transactions of Planning Minister Camille Robinson Regis. Padarath is asking the Attorney General to indicate to whom this information...
Posted On 19 Feb 2017
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Kamla: AG’s Dictatorial Statement direct attack on democracy and the Constitution

The recent statements of the Attorney General that the Government would not be hampered by the Opposition’s unwillingness to support certain pieces of legislation and he intends to eliminate the need for three-fifths majority support are deeply disturbing and troubling as...
Posted On 15 Feb 2017
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Padarath: TUTTA has a role in Parental Responsibility Legislation

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath in a press release stated that he was happy to have heard this morning on CNC3’s the Morning Brew with Hema Ramkissoon, the support given by the president of TUTTA Lynsley Doodhai, for his call for Parental Responsibility Legislation . The Princes...
Posted On 14 Feb 2017
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