Padarath: Rowley Must Act, Faris and Camille have Questions to Answer
Princes Town MP Barry Padarath is calling on the Attorney General to clear the air on a newspaper report that RBL had provided information on the transactions of Planning Minister Camille Robinson Regis. Padarath is asking the Attorney General to indicate to whom this information was provided and who made the request to the bank, since the Attorney General indicated that RBL certified the Minister’s withdrawal.
Padarath, who last week called on the Planning Minister to explain her wealth, indicated that he was deeply concerned that Al Rawi was once more involved in defending a senior cabinet colleague without divulging the facts to the country. He further stated that this was a easy and simple matter to resolve if the Minister and her legal advisor the Attorney General would put in the public domain withdrawal slips to the effect of 143,800 in cash from RBL.
The MP reminded the population that the Attorney General was wrong before in his assessment, he told the media in January 2016 that “I don’t think she should step aside or resign; I don’t think this matter is that far gone “in relation to the Marlene McDonald matter.
The MP reminded the Attorney General that he is not judge and jury in this matter and that both he and the Minister of Planning was eroding public trust and confidence in the offices that they hold by evading relevant questions on this matter that has grabbed the attention of the public.
Padarath stated that the vagueness regarding the acquisition of information allegedly coming from RBL on this matter was worrying since it also calls into question who is the competent authority to have access to this information on behalf of the state. He said one cannot investigate themselves.
He further stated that the longer this matter lingers in the public domain without coherent and satisfactory answers, the stronger the calls would be for the Minister to be fired.
The Princes Town MP said that the Prime Minister cannot wash his hands off this fiasco and must indicate what proof he had the information contained in the newspaper reports are false and is “misinformation”. He added that failure to do such should result in the firing of the Minister.