Kamla Warns of Risks to TT Taxpayers in Grand Bay Loan

Something is very wrong with the move by Finance Minister Colm Imbert to approve a loan guarantee of US$5 million to a private company called Grand Bay Paper Products Limited, through the EXIM Bank, and given the issues arising from the Panama Papers stories, this requires urgent...
Posted On 10 Apr 2016
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T&T on the front line of war on global terror and our foreign policy blissfully unmindful

Trinidad and Tobago has, on a per capita basis, more fighters on the front-line of global terror than any country in the Commonwealth or from the Western hemisphere and neither our foreign policy, nor our anti-crime efforts, nor our priorities reflect this reality. This third...
Posted On 03 Apr 2016
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Rowley continues with PNM propaganda, a disgrace as Prime Minister

Princes Town MP Barry Padarath in a press release made a scathing attack on Prime Minister Keith Rowley for his response on the purchase of a Mercedes Benz by his Administration for the use of the Prime Minister. Padarath said that that Rowley was trying to distract from the real...
Posted On 03 Apr 2016
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UNC Women Congratulates West Indies on Triple Win

The Women’s Arm of the United National Congress is jubilant over the historic 8 wicket win by the West Indies Women’s Team in the T 20 Tournament just concluded in India. We note the pivotal role of 18 year old Hayley Matthews in the victory through her knock of 66...
Posted On 03 Apr 2016
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UNC Chairman Lee – Why are Food Prices increasing?

As Chairman of the United National Congress I consider it regrettable and bewildering that food prices have substantially increased in the past month despite the Government’s reduction of the VAT rate from 15 percent to 12.5 percent as demonstrated by the Central Bank...
Posted On 01 Apr 2016
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Member of Parliament for Oropouche West attends Easter Celebration at Palm Beach

Member of Parliament Vidia Gayadeen Gopeesingh visited Palm Beach County over the Easter Weekend. On Easter Sunday the MP attended an Easter Celebration at John Prince Park attended by hundreds of Fellow Nationals. Mrs Gopeesingh addressed the gathering sponsored by Trinis...
Posted On 30 Mar 2016
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No over arching philosophy guiding our foreign policy

After more than six months in office this government has no discernible over aching philosophy which informs our foreign policy. Our foreign missions are on auto pilot. Most are run by junior foreign service officers many of whom are 3 year contract International Relations...
Posted On 30 Mar 2016
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UNC Chairman Lee extends greetings on Spiritual Shouter Baptist Liberation Day

As Chairman of the United National Congress and Member of Parliament for Pointe a Pierre I would like to Sincerely wish each and every member of the Spiritual Shouter Baptist Community a Happy Liberation Day. Today is a significant day for the members of the Shouter Baptist...
Posted On 30 Mar 2016
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Message from the Leader of the Opposition On the occasion of Spiritual Shouter Baptist Liberation Day

The observance of Spiritual Shouter Baptist Liberation Day stands as one of the most colourful and inspiring reminders of the powerful force unity creates when we stand, work and struggle together in the face of all odds. Today we are just short of a century since the Shouters...
Posted On 29 Mar 2016
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Message to the citizens of Trinidad & Tobago on the occasion of Phagwa / Holi from the Leader of the Opposition

The splendour of our nation’s rich heritage and traditions form a remarkable tapestry that is a testament to our nation’s strong and proud diversity. This tapestry holds a special and prominent place for Phagwa (Holi) celebrations in Trinidad and Tobago. Hindus celebrate Holi as...
Posted On 25 Mar 2016
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