UNC Chairman Lee extends greetings on Spiritual Shouter Baptist Liberation Day
As Chairman of the United National Congress and Member of Parliament for Pointe a Pierre I would like to Sincerely wish each and every member of the Spiritual Shouter Baptist Community a Happy Liberation Day. Today is a significant day for the members of the Shouter Baptist Community as well as our entire nation because today as a United people we celebrate the struggle and success of our brothers and sisters in the Spiritual Shouter Baptist Community.
Liberation day celebrates the Repeal of Shouters Prohibition Ordinance of 1917 which prohibited the Spiritual Baptist community from practicing their religion. As a nation much can be learnt from our Baptist brothers and Sisters, as during this period they were not deterred but kept strong to their faith and beliefs despite being unable to practice them. Similarly as a nation we must also hold strong to our beliefs of love, unity, equality and justice in these presently enduring times. As a people we must duplicate the courage and determination that the Baptist community displayed in their years of religious turmoil to ensure our nation moves from strength to strength.
The Baptist Community has a rich and deep rooted history in our nation’s origin. Therefore as a country, party and people we are grateful for the contributions they have made towards building this great Twin Island Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. On this auspicious day it is key we acknowledge all of the great leaders and sons of the soil who have emerged from the Baptist faith such as the great Tubal Uriah Buzz Butler.
Today let us as a united nation clasp our hands with the our Baptist Brothers and Sisters as we all pray for the sustenance of our land.