Billions down the drain

The Editor: Petrotrin in a recent press release stated that it had won an arbitration victory in a case before the London Court of International Arbitration. The state-owned oil company indicated that the case was brought against Petrotrin by World GTL Inc. and World GTL St....
Posted On 28 Apr 2014
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A much better system

The Editor:  For far too long we hear about calamities happening in our nation’s hospitals with a subsequent burst of outcry from the citizens. This outcry lasts only for a few days and then it all becomes a faint memory. One significant way to fix this problem is to establish a...
Posted On 27 Apr 2014
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Medical Complaints Council step in the right direction

Dear Editor: The Attorney General recently mentioned that he is considering moving towards the establishment of a Medical Complaints Council and a no-fault-based-compensation system. There are many advantages to this. Several countries have no-fault compensation systems for...
Posted On 26 Apr 2014
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WGTL an unnecessary and wasteful scandal

Dear Editor: Reading the facts surrounding the failed WGTL-Petrotrin Gas to Liquids facility that is currently being highlighted in the newspapers, one cannot help but be thoroughly disenchanted at the lack of governance and the absolute and total abdication of fiduciary...
Posted On 26 Apr 2014
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AG has a valid point

THe Editor: As Mr. Lennox Grant stated in one of his columns, the media became important just when, as a sector of identifiable activity, it began to look like a dangerous place to find oneself. As the media claimed character as “social”, suddenly, the familiar witness-and-record...
Posted On 21 Apr 2014
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Damned if do damned if you don’t

The Editor: I definitely won’t like to be a government official in Trinidad and Tobago. To hold such an office requires that you have a back with a hard shell like a turtle. There are many letters in our daily newspapers condemning the actions and non-actions of our Prime...
Posted On 21 Apr 2014
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A maturing society

Dear Editor: Gone were the days when we longed to be like the United States of America (US). T&T being a developing country has in the past always followed in the footsteps of the US. I was very happy to see that legislation for finger printing deportees will be introduced...
Posted On 21 Apr 2014
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A spade is a spade

To “call a spade a spade” is a figure of speech, which explicitly calls out something as it is. The implication is not to lie about what something is and instead to speak honestly and directly about a topic, specifically topics that others may avoid speaking about due...
Posted On 21 Apr 2014
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Removing Guesswork From Crime Solving

Dear Editor, It is public knowledge that some of the crimes committed in our beautiful country are actually done so by deportees. It is about time that something is being done to keep a fingerprint and DNA sample of those individuals, to be able to track repeat offences committed...
Posted On 13 Apr 2014
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The real blueprint to life

The Editor: It remarkable to hear that there is a possibility that DNA testing can be done and utilised in the administration of justice in Trinidad and Tobago. DNA a molecule called deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which contains the biological instructions that make each species...
Posted On 13 Apr 2014
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