
Urgent need for repair of the Guaracara Tabaquite Road

The burgesses of the Ben Lomond/Hardbargain/Williamsville electoral district and the wider community that traverse the Guaracara Tabaquite Road are calling on Minister Rohan Sinanan to intervene and ensure the repair of the roadway and increasing landslips. The residents are...
Posted On 23 Aug 2021
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Opposition Leader: No Justification to Extend SOE

Keith Rowley’s move to extend the State of Emergency for a further three months reveals his bankruptcy of ideas in dealing with the pandemic. The Government keeps insisting they are “following the science”, yet Rowley’s misguided policies appear to be driven by his desire to be a...
Posted On 21 Aug 2021
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Couva North MP: PNM political interference in URP programme revealed

On Friday 13th August, 2021, the new Board of Directors for YTEPP Limited was installed and one such Board member is Ms. Sharda Satram, the failed PNM candidate for Couva North from last year’s general election. Today, I received a copy of letter dated July 25th 2021 purportedly...
Posted On 20 Aug 2021
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Opposition Leader: Foolish Rowley must stop attacking citizens for his own failure

The recent outburst by Keith Rowley that the people of Trinidad and Tobago are to be blamed for the government’s inability to diversify the economy is utterly repugnant. Rowley even went so far as to label citizens, thousands of whom are currently losing their jobs and life...
Posted On 18 Aug 2021
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Tancoo: Rohan Sinanan is a failure

Today, following heavy rainfall, an existing landslip in Syne Village, Penal along the S.S. Erin Road, collapsed further making the roadway impassable. Yesterday MP for Oropouche West, Davendranath Tancoo and Councillor for the area Romona Victor, visited the landslip and spoke...
Posted On 15 Aug 2021
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MP Mohit: Government Abdicates its Duties to Affected Tenants

The PNM government has totally abdicated their duties to the affected population of Trinidad and Tobago. The Minister of Social Development and Family Services, Donna Cox after disgustingly characterizing the vulnerable and needy as being greedy, now makes an about turn and...
Posted On 10 Aug 2021
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Tancoo tells Imbert: Face the facts

Instead of accounting to the population for the $25 billion contraction of the real economy over the last 6 years despite spending $300 billion, Minister of Finance Colm Imbert continues to desperately try to deflect public attention away from the social and economic crisis to...
Posted On 09 Aug 2021
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MP Lee : Urgent action needed on oil spill in Gulf of Paria

Reports from the group Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS) of an oil spill in the Gulf of Paria, specifically in the vicinity of the Pointe a Pierre refinery extending to Claxton Bay is extremely concerning and warrants an immediate investigation by the Ministry of Energy. As...
Posted On 08 Aug 2021
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Opposition Leader: Hilaire must account for Central Bank mismanagement

While speaking at the launch of the Central Bank’s Financial Stability Report 2020, Central Bank Governor Alvin Hilaire touted his “optimism” regarding the current state of the economy. Given the severity of our economic crisis, one wonders what inspires this “optimism” expressed...
Posted On 07 Aug 2021
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Opposition Leader: We must save our retail and service sectors

The Rowley government’s continued forced lockdown of our retail and service sectors without a clear plan going forward is unacceptable and tyrannical. While lockdown measures were necessary at the onset of the Covid -19 pandemic to contain the infection, flatten the curve and...
Posted On 06 Aug 2021
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