
Couva North MP begins 2023 with Interfaith Service

On Sunday January 08, 2023, Couva North MP Ravi Ratiram held an Interfaith Service of Prayer and Thanksgiving at the Couva North Constituency Office in Chase Village. The event, themed “Together, Everyone Achieves More” was also streamed live to social media and featured...
Posted On 09 Jan 2023
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Christine Kangaloo – right President to ensure PNM control of independent institutions

Rowley’s choice of a known, vocal and active PNM supporter, Christine Kangaloo, for President of T&T is the latest in his obsessive desire to cement T&T forever as PNM, cleverly ensuring PNM control of all independent, oversight institutions until 2028. Kamla Persad...
Posted On 09 Jan 2023
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Attorney Kiel Taklalsingh: Prime Minister’s defense rings hollow

1. “Constitution mandates this process”. I dealt with that in my previous post. Having the power to do something does not mean you should do it or that such action is constitutional. The convention has been to appoint persons who would be at least expected to act...
Posted On 09 Jan 2023
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Opposition Leader: Rowley desperately shifting the goalposts over Presidency

Having realised that the choice of Christine Kangaloo to become the next President of Trinidad and Tobago has drawn the ire of the public, Rowley is now desperately attempting to shift the goalposts and raise all manner of red herrings and distractions. The Opposition has never...
Posted On 09 Jan 2023
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Did Minister Young Prevent Divers Families from Testifying at the CoE?

The obscene action by Paria’s Attorney Mr. Gilbert Peterson, SC, to object to the families of the deceased divers from testifying at the Commission of Enquiry is outrageous and a slap in the face to both the victims of this tragedy as well as the people of Trinidad and Tobago....
Posted On 09 Jan 2023
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Opposition proposes Israel Khan SC for President

The Opposition has today requested the Government to consider Mr Israel Khan, Senior Counsel, for President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Yesterday, we indicated our non-support for Ms Kangaloo on the basis, inter alia, that as a sitting PNM politician under the hand of...
Posted On 07 Jan 2023
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Senator Nakhid Writes COP on Government’s Misbehaviour in Office

Reference is made to the captioned matter and to my letter dated the 9th November, 2022 which was served upon and accepted by you personally at the Police (TTPS) headquarters in Port of Spain on the 9th November, 2022. By my letter dated the 9th November 2022, I requested inter...
Posted On 04 Jan 2023
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Tancoo: Imbert’s Cruel Joke

After a year in which citizens of Trinidad and Tobago have been battered by floods, record high murders, increased unemployment, soaring food prices caused by the combination of fluctuating world commodity prices due to the Ukraine/Russia conflict and the exorbitant local fuel...
Posted On 31 Dec 2022
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Opposition Leader New Year’s Message

2022 has been a difficult and challenging year for our nation. It was a year in which our country sadly witnessed one of the worst industrial accidents in our history in which four divers at the Paria Fuel Trading Company, Fyzal Kurban, Kazim Ali Jr, Rishi Nagassar and Yusuf...
Posted On 31 Dec 2022
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MP Lee: Young is out of touch with the Energy sector

Minister Young’s recent review of the energy sector in 2022 was nothing but a deceptive fabrication to cover up the reality that T&T’s energy sector has collapsed due to this government’s chaos and dismal performance. It is utterly ridiculous that Minister Young claimed that...
Posted On 30 Dec 2022
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