
Paray Condemns PM Rowley Distasteful Portrayal of MP Charles

EVEN by the low public speaking standards he has set for himself, Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley’s depiction of my colleague Rodney Charles is highly objectionable. While Dr. Rowley has continued to lower the bar with respect to his public behaviour, his repulsive and...
Posted On 11 Mar 2023
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EVEN by the low public speaking standards he has set for himself, Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley’s depiction of my colleague Rodney Charles is highly objectionable. While Dr. Rowley has continued to lower the bar with respect to his public behaviour, his repulsive and...
Posted On 11 Mar 2023
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Dave Tancoo, Member of Parliament for Oropouche West, is urging the Government to establish a proper water supply network as his Constituency is struggling without an adequate supply of potable water. MP Tancoo has expressed concern over the inadequate and unreliable water supply...
Posted On 10 Mar 2023
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The Trinidad and Tobago Transparency Institute (TTTI), which has stayed silent through the tenure of the corrupt Rowley regime, is absurd in its demand to be kept out of national politics. They are so coward they will not even put a name to their statement. If you can’t even...
Posted On 09 Mar 2023
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TANCOO: Stop cybercrime against women

“Those who abuse technology to harass, intimidate, degrade and threaten women must be held to account. Laws and national security resources must be aligned with this objective.” This is one focus of the International Women’s Day message of Oropouche West MP Dave...
Posted On 08 Mar 2023
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OPPOSITION LEADER: AG Armour’s Incompetence Cost Taxpayers Over 60 Million Dollars

Just when citizens thought disgraced AG Armour had hit rock bottom of the lying barrel, the country has been hit with yet another mind-boggling scandal due to Armour’s incompetence. According to the Trinidad Express, the disgraced AG Armour failed to file witness statements in...
Posted On 08 Mar 2023
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Chaguanas East calls for Empowerment of Women through access to technology

International Women’s Day is a day chosen to celebrate the very many achievements of women across all walks of life. It brings to the fore topical issues of violence against women, reproductive rights, gender equality, leadership and governance to name a few. This year’s theme...
Posted On 08 Mar 2023
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Opposition Leader Message on the occasion of International Women’s Day 2023

On this International Women’s Day, 2023, I extend my very best wishes to all women across the globe, and, in particular, here in Trinidad and Tobago. This year’s theme, “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality”’ is of particular significance in a world...
Posted On 07 Mar 2023
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FISHERMEN: No Fuel Rebate – Higher Prices for Fish

As the 2023 Lenten season progresses, the national community can expect an increase in the price of fish, according to word from fishmongers. This comes mainly as the Rowley-led Government refuses to re-visit and revise the outdated and inadequate fuel rebate paid to our...
Posted On 06 Mar 2023
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MP Khadijah Ameen calls on authorities to deal with crime

Member of Parliament for St. Augustine, Khadijah Ameen is pleading with authorities to intervene as crime continues to spiral out of control. The call comes after a mother of three was murdered yesterday in St. Augustine. According to media reports, Annisa Ramkissoon was shot and...
Posted On 04 Mar 2023
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