Charles: Rowley’s free ride is over…the people want policy, not platitudes

THE proposal by Keith Rowley to revive a long and widely rejected Trinidad & Tobago Revenue Authority is further evidence that he and his party are making ideas up as they go along, and have no plan, no vision and no good ideas for the progress of the people of our country....
Posted On 01 Jul 2015
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Kamla the Lioness

The Editor, On January 31st 2010, one national newspaper carried the headline “The Lioness roars Kamla’s dawn” in reference to an overwhelmingly decisive victory secured by Kamla Persad Bissessar as political leader of the UNC. In that election she secured a massive 13,000 votes,...
Posted On 29 Jun 2015
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Kamla is the best man for the job!

Dear Editor, The oafish nature and desperate intensity of these attacks against the Kamla Persad-Bissessar government indicate a chronic, chauvinistic unwillingness by a helluva lot of pusillanimous men to accept a woman as boss of the boardroom, even when she’s the best...
Posted On 29 Jun 2015
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A lioness ahead of her times

By  Capil Bissoon Ask yourself which Trinidad and Tobago Leader, or for that matter any third world leader, has promised term limits reducing their own powers? Not even the legendary Lee Kuan Yew did. But Kamla has. Which leader has attempted to put more power in the hands of...
Posted On 29 Jun 2015
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State Victorious in Claims Brought by Yasin Abu Bakr

Today The Honourable Mr. Justice Frank Seepersad sitting in the Port of Spain High Court ruled in favour of the Attorney General in a claim brought against the state by Mr. Yasin Abu Bakr. Bakr commenced proceedings against the State in a claim filed on the 19th September, 2014...
Posted On 29 Jun 2015
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Delivery Matters

Dear Editor, Reading the daily newspapers and watching nightly news have become almost like a soap opera. The negativity that this “silly season” has brought this nation to bear is most times unbelievable. This is why when I see something positive, I am forced to...
Posted On 29 Jun 2015
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PM Kamla speech at UNC Mass Political Meeting, St. Helena

Good evening my sisters and brothers.   Nominations   Today was the deadline date for filing nominations to be candidates of the UNC.   Thank you to all those who filed nominations to serve.   In their nomination forms, each person had to answer many...
Posted On 29 Jun 2015
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PM outlines new plans for TT economy

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar on Friday evening promised to intensify efforts to diversify the country’s economy and create more jobs if her Government were to be elected for a second term. Speaking at a United National Congress (UNC) political meeting at St Helena Hindu...
Posted On 28 Jun 2015
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Dissolving the ‘nansi story House for Dr Moonilal

Dear Editor, Having learnt Dr Roodal Moonilal dashed off a protest letter yesterday to the Council for Responsible Political Behaviour (CFRPB) concerning the spurious allegations vicariously made against him by an approved, PNM general election prospective candidate, I wish to...
Posted On 27 Jun 2015
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PM Opens Two New Schools

The official openings of Febeau Primary School, San Juan and St Columba Anglican Early Childhood Care Centre, Barataria were the latest facilities to be added to the growing improved — and internationally recognised — education system lead by Prime Minister Kamla...
Posted On 27 Jun 2015
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