
Charles: Rowley nastying our name while blaming the Opposition

Yesterday PM Rowley accused the Opposition Leader of “writing all over the world and nastying up TT’s name” but no one nasties TT’s reputation more than Rowley and his incompetent, negligent, uncaring PNM administration who have cursed TT since their appointment. Rowley and...
Posted On 25 May 2023
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Oropouche East stands in solidarity with the people of Guyana

It is with a heavy heart I learned about the devastating fire that tragically claimed the lives of several students and causing injuries to many others at the Mahdia Secondary school in Guyana. This heartbreaking incident has deeply affected us all, and we stand united with the...
Posted On 23 May 2023
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Kamla extends condolences to the families of Guyana school tragedy

I am deeply saddened to learn of the tragic news that 20 students died in a fire earlier this morning in a secondary school dormitory in the town of Mahdia, Guyana. As a parent myself, I can only imagine the pain and grief that the families of these children are feeling. My...
Posted On 22 May 2023
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UNC Chairman on Privy Council Ruling

As we begin a new business week, Councillors, Aldermen and the population at large remain in the dark regarding the government’s position on the state of the Local Government Councils. While it remains the position of the United National Congress that the ruling of the...
Posted On 22 May 2023
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TANCOO: That is Why Nobody Can Trust This PNM Government

“The recent judgement by the Privy Council highlighted the undemocratic and anti-democratic action of this PNM government. Further, the hypocritical attempt by the sitting Attorney General Reginald Armour to defend this abuse of office is just another reason why no one can...
Posted On 19 May 2023
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Opposition leader: AG Armour Not of Sound Mind and Memory

Our very democracy is threatened by one who should be the Guardian of the Public Interest. Reginald Armour’s dishonesty, incompetence, exaggerated opinion of his own importance and total lack of legal acumen are dangerous to the office of the AG, confidence in our legal system...
Posted On 19 May 2023
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OPPOSITION LEADER: Democracy and the rule of law have triumphed

This morning’s judgment delivered by the Privy Council in the case brought by Ravi Balgobin Maharaj who challenged the postponement of Local Government elections is a landmark legal decision, which has significant political effects. This Government has over the past seven years...
Posted On 18 May 2023
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PADARATH: Hits Back at Former Children’s Authority Chairman – Accuses Minister of Lying

MP for Princes Town, Barry Padarath has responded harshly to criticisms made by former Children’s Authority Chairman Hanif Benjamin saying that Benjamin is a PNM apologist who served, as a politically appointed person, as the Chairman of the Children’s Authority...
Posted On 17 May 2023
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INDARSINGH: As Imbert Boast of Economic Recovery 100 CARIDOC Workers Sent Home

I note with deep concern reports that close to one hundred (100) workers from Caribbean Dockyard and Engineering Services Limited (Caridoc) have been given letters of temporary dismissal by the company’s management following a meeting with the affected workers yesterday. I...
Posted On 17 May 2023
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Moonilal: Rowley should be held personally liable for failed Las Alturas project

Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley should be held personally liable for the $30 million debt owed by a Chinese construction company to the Housing Development Corporation. So, too, must Noel Garcia, who chaired Housing Development Corporation at the time of the failed Las Alturas...
Posted On 17 May 2023
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