
Charles: Is our foreign service a dumping ground for PNM political rejects?

We call on PM Rowley to explain his appointment of Darryl Smith as commercial officer appointed to represent TT in the international trade and investment arena, with responsibility for US and Canada. What is his background in developing overseas markets and boosting exports to...
Posted On 18 Jul 2023
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MP Khadijah Ameen calls Prime Minister a blatant liar

Member of Parliament for St. Augustine and Shadow Minister for Rural Development and Local Government, Ms. Khadijah Ameen is calling Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley a blatant liar. Responding to claims made about UNC Councillors by the Prime Minister, she says that Dr....
Posted On 18 Jul 2023
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MP Ameen calls on COP to deploy resources as crime surges in St. Augustine

Member of Parliament for St. Augustine, Ms. Khadijah Ameen expressed her concern on the increase in home invasions and robberies within the St. Augustine constituency. She says that bandits and criminals are now patrolling in gangs late at night and early in the morning scoping...
Posted On 13 Jul 2023
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A report in today’s Express newspaper, of a power outage, due to a malfunctioning transformer at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex which required evacuation of patients to another facility, must be disturbing to patients and healthcare workers alike. The revelation by...
Posted On 12 Jul 2023
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TANCOO: Crisis at Point Fortin Hospital

This malfunction of the air conditioning system has affected the entire hospital including departments such as Administration, X-Ray, Ultrasound, and also the Operating Theatres. MP for Oropouche West, Dave Tancoo says that he has been reliably informed that patients and staff...
Posted On 11 Jul 2023
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UNC MPs attend PGA workshop on Cybercrime

Leader of Opposition Business in the Senate, Senator Wade Mark, led a delegation of United National Congress MPs at a special two-day workshop on Cybercrime held at the Radisson Hotel this week on 5 – 6 July. The workshop, which was organised by the Parliamentarians for Global...
Posted On 10 Jul 2023
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TANCOO: Fallen pipe rack at Godineau Bridge finally being cleared after 8 months

Finally, after more than eight (8) months since its collapse, the pipe rack attached to the old Godineau Bridge at the Mosquito Creek in South Oropouche is only today being cleared by the Ministry of Works and Transport (see attached pictures). Oropouche West MP Dave Tancoo says...
Posted On 06 Jul 2023
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MP Khadijah Ameen calls on WASA to outsource services for truck borne water

Member of Parliament for St. Augustine, Ms. Khadijah Ameen is calling on the Minister of Public Utilities and the Water and Sewage Authority (WASA) to urgently provide truck borne water to areas within St. Augustine constituency and the east west corridor that have been without...
Posted On 06 Jul 2023
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Opposition Leader extends Independence greetings to the United States

On behalf of the Opposition of Trinidad and Tobago, I extend warm greetings to the people of the United States of America as they celebrate their Independence Day on July 4th. This significant occasion marks the anniversary of the United States Declaration of Independence and...
Posted On 04 Jul 2023
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Opposition Leader Congratulates CARICOM on its 50th Anniversary

I extend sincere congratulations to the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) on its 50th anniversary. This momentous milestone marks half a century of regional integration, solidarity, and cooperation among Caribbean nations. The signing of the Treaty of Chaguaramas on July 4, 1973...
Posted On 04 Jul 2023
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