
Ramona: Public deserves a transparent process with Sandals deal

The Prime Minister meets today with Sandals International to continue talks on the Sandals Tobago project. As this process of negotiation continues, the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago have been kept in the dark for nearly three years as to the terms and conditions of this...
Posted On 23 Aug 2018
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Oropouche West MP slams Arrogant Health Minister

The Member of Parliament for Oropouche West, Mrs. Vidia Gayadeen- Gopeesingh, has condemned Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh for his brazen arrogance in the midst of allegations of corruption and cronyism. In a release issued on Thursday the MP stated, “This incompetent Rowley...
Posted On 23 Aug 2018
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Kamla responds to Health Minister’s Confession of Family Ties in State Contracts

I have duly noted the response of Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh to my very questions raised on the platform at a UNC meeting last night (August, 20, 2018) in the Chaguanas East constituency regarding family ties in State contracts. In my comments made on a public political...
Posted On 21 Aug 2018
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Highlights of the Feature Address of Political Leader at UNC MNF Chaguanas East

Kamla: The future is bright. We will move forward and not repeat the mistakes of the past. We must learn, be humble, reach out, build bridges, listen to others who are on the fence and welcome the genuine ones into the party. This clueless, incompetent, uncaring Rowley Govt...
Posted On 21 Aug 2018
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On Saturday night I listened in disbelief to the speech delivered by Minister of Social Development and Family Services – MP for Lopinot / Bon Air West Mrs. Cherrie-Ann Crichlow-Cockburn where she sought to convince the small gathering at the PNM’s meeting that the government is...
Posted On 21 Aug 2018
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Charles to Deputy DPP: Explain inordinately long delay in dealing with emailgate

On May 20th 2013, then Opposition Leader Keith Rowley apparently misled Parliament about a plot by then PM Kamla Persad Bissessar. The conspiracy being a plot to harm and discredit reporter Denyse Renne, undermine the office of the DPP and pay monies in exchange for freedom by an...
Posted On 20 Aug 2018
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It is with a profound sense of sadness that I learned of the passing of former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who passed away at the age of 80 on 18th August 2018. Mr. Annan was a true statesman and spent much of his life working towards global peace and security...
Posted On 19 Aug 2018
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Padarath Calls on Rowley to Release Report on Smith

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath has called on Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley to break his silence on the Wilson report into allegations of wrongful dismissal against former Minister Darryl Smith. Padarath indicated that Rowley confirmed that he received the report of the...
Posted On 17 Aug 2018
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UNC Women’s Arm: PNM should stop the blame game and start working

The UNC National Women’s Arm notes with distaste and disappointment the attempt by the PNM Women’s League to deflect and distract from the real issues that are currently plaguing the residents of Beetham Gardens and have sought to lay blame on the UNC. The PNM Women’s League is...
Posted On 15 Aug 2018
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UNC Deputy Political Leader: Hinds felt the brunt of the consequences of the Rowley PNM’s neglect and contempt for the people of T&T

The frustrated youths who have suffered from a lack of opportunities, poor infrastructure and joblessness, yesterday expressed their hopelessness with the circumstances in which they have found themselves, by splashing water on Fitzgerald Hinds. With each drizzle of rain, their...
Posted On 15 Aug 2018
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