
Kamla slams Gov’t continued attempts to mislead the population over the FATCA Bill

“Government’s failure to earlier establish a JSC on the TIEA Bill (FATCA) was due to Government incompetence” Leader of the Opposition, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP is criticizing the Government’s continued attempts to mislead the population over the FATCA issue, even after the...
Posted On 28 Feb 2017
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Padarath: Rowley Must Act, Faris and Camille have Questions to Answer

Princes Town MP Barry Padarath is calling on the Attorney General to clear the air on a newspaper report that RBL had provided information on the transactions of Planning Minister Camille Robinson Regis. Padarath is asking the Attorney General to indicate to whom this information...
Posted On 19 Feb 2017
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Padarath Tells AG Lead by Example, Let Camille Explain Her Wealth

Princes Town MP Barry Padarath, in a press release slammed Attorney General Farris Al Rawi and members of the government for not leading by example with respect to the Attorney General’s statements that he will be bringing Explain Your Wealth legislation to the Parliament....
Posted On 15 Feb 2017
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Kamla: AG’s Dictatorial Statement direct attack on democracy and the Constitution

The recent statements of the Attorney General that the Government would not be hampered by the Opposition’s unwillingness to support certain pieces of legislation and he intends to eliminate the need for three-fifths majority support are deeply disturbing and troubling as...
Posted On 15 Feb 2017
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The statements of the Attorney General (AG) yesterday have shown that he is most unfit for the office. His whining about doing away with the Special Majority requirement to pass legislation in the Parliament cannot be accepted in a democracy like ours. A special majority...
Posted On 15 Feb 2017
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Padarath: TUTTA has a role in Parental Responsibility Legislation

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath in a press release stated that he was happy to have heard this morning on CNC3’s the Morning Brew with Hema Ramkissoon, the support given by the president of TUTTA Lynsley Doodhai, for his call for Parental Responsibility Legislation . The Princes...
Posted On 14 Feb 2017
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Slipping into the abyss

By Kevin Ramnarine Last Sunday morning I asked the guy behind the counter at Richard’s Bake and Shark to borrow his newspapers. He said “sure, but it’s all bad news.” I gathered that what was in those newspapers affected him. He was not alone but was...
Posted On 14 Feb 2017
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Prime Minister Rowley should apologise rather than defend his recent statements regarding victims of domestic violence. His language was poor and crass and his response should have been more solution oriented. It is not the habit to put victims in spotlight but rather to deal...
Posted On 09 Feb 2017
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MP for Oropouche West Condemns PM statement

The Honourable Prime Minister’s statement that “I am not in your bedroom ,I am not in your choice of men.” is outrageous and an insult to the women of this country. Dr Rowley is obviously ignorant of the cultural, psychological, and economic factors that explain...
Posted On 08 Feb 2017
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Mixed Messages from the Prime Minister and AG

In response to questions on the spike in violence, the Prime Minister divided serious crime into one third domestic violence and the rest non-domestic, immediately washing his hands of any accountability for domestic violence, exclaiming: ‘I am not in your bedroom. I am not in...
Posted On 08 Feb 2017
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