UNC: Government trying to bully citizens into silence
The United National Congress stands resolutely behind any citizen who is willing to speak out to ensure that we can create the kind of Trinidad and Tobago we all desire.
Under Keith Rowley’s leadership, our country is becoming one where a Prime Minister is willing to use the might of his Office to attack citizens who dare to speak out about their experiences under his Administration. We urge all citizens to stand against this practice.
During his rant Keith Rowley suggested that to question him was to “threaten the fabric of society.” This is the thinking of dictators, not democratically elected officials.
Rowley completely ignored calls for him to clear the air on the reasons for firing Espinet and placing his personal lawyer at the helm of State oil companies, choosing instead to lambast a former official of a national security agency.
We wish to remind the Prime Minister that freedom of speech and expression are clearly enshrined and protected rights, in our democracy, despite what his Attorney General has said. The UNC will continue to stand for these all the rights afforded to all of us under the Constitution.
What we saw today was a Prime Minister coming to terms with the fact that more people will speak out, as the population is no longer afraid of the swift retribution the PNM is known to mete out.
We saw a Government is desperately grasping at straws, becoming ever more aware that their time is up.
Keith Rowley knows he has failed as Prime Minister, and by now, he should have done the honourable thing and resign.