Oropouche West MP condemns the PNM for its inability to treat with Crime
The Member of Parliament for Oropouche West, Mrs. Vidia Gayadeen- Gopeesingh, has condemned this impotent, Rowley led government for its inability to treat with the untenable crime situation in Trinidad and Tobago.
In a release issued on Saturday the MP stated, “January was the bloodiest month in our nation’s history, and as murders continue to rise this incompetent Prime Minister remains oblivious to the pain and suffering endured by the citizens of this country. It is projected that this year is set to be the bloodiest in our nation’s history. The Prime Minister’s inaction and failure to govern carries a steep cost; the very lives of our citizens.”
Further highlighting the growing despondency among citizens the MP stated, “Just this week the body of a murder victim was found, this time it was one of my constituents. How can people feel safe in this country when the government has failed to protect the citizens, a basic human right enshrined in the constitution? Is this government prepared to remove the fear and anxiety that pervades the entire nation?”
Mrs. Gayadeen-Gopeesingh continued that the nation’s women are not exempt from the scourge of crime, lamenting that women in Trinidad and Tobago are possibly the most vulnerable and susceptible. “Last year more than 52 murder victims were women and this continues unabated. Through various forms of media there are reports of increases in home invasions and the sexual abuse of women. Where is the comprehensive national crime plan we were promised by this uncaring government? Where are the initiatives to help educate and safeguard our most vulnerable?”
The MP criticized the PNM administration for allowing crime in Trinidad and Tobago to spiral out of control. “When we allow crime to define our nation as we have seen during the last three years we jeopardize our prospects for investment, drive our brightest minds away from our shores and hold our very citizenry hostage.”
The MP concluded “The leader of the PNM government must now do the honorable thing and remove himself self as Prime Minster before we become a failed state.”
Vidia Gayadeen- Gopeesingh
Dated: 16th June 2018