
UNC Disaster Response – Plan of Action

Statement by The Hon Kamla Persad Bissessar Political Leader of the United National Congress and Leader of the Opposition My friends, it is heartbreaking to see the level of destruction from flood waters affecting thousands of people across our nation, and I thank our UNC...
Posted On 20 Oct 2018
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Obika: In their fourth year of office, the Rowley-led PNM has no Trade Policy for T&T

Trinidad and Tobago is currently being governed without any trade policy being in place. In fact the last Trade Policy was developed by the People’s Partnership Government led by Kamla Persad-Bissessar in 2013. This policy covered the period ended December 2017. The trade...
Posted On 18 Oct 2018
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Charles challenges Imbert: Drive on Garth Road anytime to understand the plight of Naparima constituents

Naparima MP Rodney Charles is challenging Minister Imbert to drive his tax free, million dollar, luxury vehicle along Garth Road at 20 kph any day. Only then will he fully understand the daily frustrations which constituents face on what Councillor Vashti Sookoo...
Posted On 17 Oct 2018
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Today the United National Congress celebrates the 30th Anniversary of the Aranguez Mandate. On October 16th 1988, over thirty thousand citizens stood in the rain at Aranguez Savannah and gave the Caucus of Love, Unity and Brotherhood (CLUB) 88 the mandate to establish the United...
Posted On 16 Oct 2018
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The TT “Ghost” Guard always missing when needed

Naparima MP Rodney Charles is calling on National Security Minister Stuart Young to explain why, despite having 12 vessels, the Coast “Ghost” Guard appears never to be available when needed. Last week a Cedros fisherman, Marvin Farria, reported that he was fired upon by the...
Posted On 15 Oct 2018
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MP Lee – More questions than answers with two new State Oil Companies

The recent announcement and promotion of two new oil companies by Government over the weekend has caused more questions to be raised at a time when our nation continues to seek pertinent answers and clarity concerning our local oil and gas industry in light of the closure of...
Posted On 15 Oct 2018
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MP Lee – “Dragon Gas Deal, is the first Budget 2019 game changer one of deception?”

It seems that yet again this Government has failed to fully present all the relevant information on the Dragon Gas deal in a transparent manner. During his budget presentation the Minister of Finance identified six game changers dedicated towards the economic turnaround of...
Posted On 13 Oct 2018
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Message from the Leader of the Opposition on International Day of the Girl 2018

Today, as I join Trinidad and Tobago and the rest of the global community in commemorating International Day of the Girl, it is my hope that we all pledge to ensure that our girls and young women are provided with every opportunity to build their skills, expand their knowledge...
Posted On 11 Oct 2018
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Opposition Chief Whip David Lee: 2019 Budget debate falls apart as downward spiral of Rowley-led Gov’t continues

The 2019 Budget presented by the Rowley-led Government has collapsed under the weight of no plan, no policy and no way to move Trinidad and Tobago forward. This, according to Opposition Chief Whip and Member of Parliament for Point-a-Pierre David Lee, who criticized the PNM...
Posted On 10 Oct 2018
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Oropouche West MP: The PNM continues to neglect Trinidad and Tobago’s Future

The Member of Parliament for Oropouche West, Mrs. Vidia Gayadeen-Gopeesingh, has strongly condemned the Rowley led administration for neglecting the students of La Romaine High School for the past five months. The La Romaine High School has been plagued with a series of...
Posted On 09 Oct 2018
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Kamla: Injunction granted to OWTU is a victory for workers

The granting of an injunction by the Industrial Court in favour of the Oilfields Workers’ Trade Union (OWTU) on behalf of employees of Petrotrin is a historic victory for the workers and for the rule of law in Trinidad and Tobago. This, according to Leader of the Opposition Kamla...
Posted On 09 Oct 2018
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Kamla: “At the crossroads of history – a nation in crisis: a government in collapse; a people betrayed”

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE POLITICAL LEADER’S RESPONSE   The House of Representatives Friday October 5, 2018   I want to use this opportunity to share with you some of our comprehensive plans for the advancement, progression and transformation of our nation. We have a vision for a...
Posted On 06 Oct 2018
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