
Message from the Leader of the Opposition on the occasion of Independence Day 2019

The Great Dr Martin Luther King said, “We all came in on different ships, but we’re all in the same boat now”. This statement rings so true after 57 years of independence. We are Trinidadians and Tobagonians; we cannot be and should not try to be anyone else. While we must...
Posted On 31 Aug 2019
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UNC announces 55 Local Government Candidates

The United National Congress continues to show its readiness for the upcoming Local Government Elections as Political Leader Kamla Persad Bissessar, for a second time in as many weeks, presented the Candidates that the party has selected thus far at last night’s Monday Night...
Posted On 27 Aug 2019
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Oropouche West MP: Rowley’s desperation to hold on to the reins of power is growing

The Member of Parliament for Oropouche West, Mrs. Vidia Gayadeen- Gopeesingh is condemning Prime Minister Rowley for his refusal to roll out a feasible anti-crime plan and his embarrassing remarks at a Press Conference in Barbados. Commenting on newspaper reports which indicated...
Posted On 26 Aug 2019
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Indarsingh: Labour Minister Statement Insulting

Member of Parliament for Couva South Rudranath Indarsingh is calling the recent statement of Minister of Labour and Small Enterprise Development Jennifer Baptiste-Primus that “Labour sector strong despite retrenchment” an egregious insult to the intelligence of not only all...
Posted On 24 Aug 2019
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MP Lee: Why has the Prime Minister lost confidence in Espinet?

Given the announcement of Government to remove Wilfred Espinet as Chairman of Trinidad Petroleum Holdings (TPH) as well as a member of the boards of its subsidiaries, the question must be put to the Prime Minister as to who is he trying to fool with this move ? The Prime Minister...
Posted On 23 Aug 2019
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MP Lee – The underhandedness of Espinet and team continues

The latest action by the Trinidad Petroleum Holdings (TPH) board led by Wilfred Espinet to appoint a team to oversee Heritage Petroleum Limited is just an attempt to cover up the shameful fact that this major company which government said would be the new driver of the national...
Posted On 21 Aug 2019
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Charles: With 348 murders to date, the same as last year, the PNM should be embarrassed

“Despite Government’s boast about progress in the fight against crime, it has all come to naught as T&T is still on track to cross 500 murders for 2019 and even prison officers are feeling the wrath of criminal elements and demonstrating that we may well be headed for failed...
Posted On 19 Aug 2019
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Ramona: No Chance for PNM in Central

Couva North Member of Parliament, Ramona Ramdial expressed her anger and disbelief at Prime Minister, Dr. Keith Rowley’s statements at the opening of PNM’s central regional office in Chaguanas East, where he asked Central Trinidad to give the PNM a chance in the upcoming local...
Posted On 18 Aug 2019
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Indarsingh: Hypocritical

Hypocritical…That is the reaction from Member of Parliament for Couva South Rudranath Indarsingh to the responses of both Joseph Remy, President of the Communications Workers Union and David Abdullah, Political Leader of the MSJ to the UNC Political Leader’s call for unity from...
Posted On 16 Aug 2019
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MP Lee – Where is the Heritage Petroleum Company CEO?

“Where is Mike Wiley?” is the question that must be answered by the Minister of Energy and the board of Trinidad Petroleum Holdings Limited (TPHL). The Minister of Energy needs to inform the population as to the whereabouts, health and fitness for office of Heritage Petroleum’s...
Posted On 16 Aug 2019
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Kamla: The Rowley-led Government has collapsed; a General Election must be called

The country continues to witness the utter incompetence of this Keith Rowley-led administration, with the latest fiasco being the move to appoint Garvin Simonette as Minister of Public Administration, and within hours cancelling the appointment. It is clear that the Prime...
Posted On 12 Aug 2019
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Oropouche West MP Slams Rambharat Incompetence

The Member of Parliament for Oropouche West, Mrs. Vidia Gayadeen-Gopeesingh is condemning the Minister of Agriculture Land and Fisheries, Clarence Rambharat for his incompetence and his inability to treat with state land administration after four years at the helm of the...
Posted On 07 Aug 2019
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