
Kamla offers condolences on the passing of Mr. Wayne Chance

I am saddened to learn of the passing of Vision on Mission founder, Mr. Wayne Chance, a man who spent close to two decades working to give former prisoners hope and opportunity. Wayne, who spent time in prison himself and experienced first-hand the difficulties of returning to a...
Posted On 25 Nov 2019
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Opposition Leader: The UNC’s plan for Agriculture will revive the sector and create jobs

The Leader of the Opposition, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP, says the plans outlined by the United National Congress for the Agriculture sector will not only generate revenue and reduce the country’s food import bill, but create jobs for the people of this country.   The...
Posted On 22 Nov 2019
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UNC calls for answers from EBC over Special Voter ballot process errors

The United National Congress is expressing grave concern over the revelation by the Elections and Boundaries Commission that the process for the issuance of ballot papers to Special Electors was not properly followed with respect to certain electoral districts. In a statement...
Posted On 21 Nov 2019
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Moonilal to Rowley: Not so fast

Member of Parliament for Oropouche East Dr Roodal Moonilal is calling today’s headliner in the Newsday captioned “Police clear PM in initial e-mail probe” as extremely misleading as the Commissioner of Police had clearly stated that this was an initial preliminary finding based...
Posted On 06 Nov 2019
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Tim: Deyalsingh guilty of negligence in H1N1 outbreak

Minister of Health Terrence Deyalsingh is engaging cheap politics and abdicating his responsibilities to citizens’ lives with respect to the H1N1 (Swine) flu outbreak. While there have been at least three deaths as a result of the highly contagious flu and intensive care units at...
Posted On 06 Nov 2019
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UNC PRO: Shame on you Camille

The Keith Rowley administration continues to be wrong and strong on the Darryl Smith saga.  The sordid display on the PNM platform last night showed why they are not fit to lead/ govern. They are showing that they will close ranks and defend the indefensible no matter how vile....
Posted On 06 Nov 2019
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Kamla: Keith Rowley must resign over Darryl Smith affair

It is now clear that Keith Rowley is unfit for the office he holds, over his handling of the Darryl Smith affair and his continued attempt to cover up Smith’s scandalous and dishonourable behaviour. The attempt by Attorney General Faris Al Rawi to defend the indefensible shows...
Posted On 01 Nov 2019
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UNC PRO Anita Haynes: Rowley complicit in Smith Cover-up

Keith Rowley has once again shown his contempt for the rule of law and has also revealed his stance when it comes to the protection of men who are involved in sexual harassment scandals. Rowley continues to stand by his former Minister and current member of his PNM bench in...
Posted On 31 Oct 2019
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Kamla pays tribute to former Chief Justice Clinton Bernard

I wish to extend my deepest condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of former Chief Justice Clinton Angelo Bernard, who served this country with honour as Chief Justice from 1985 to 1995. The late Justice Bernard will be remembered for his passion and dedication to...
Posted On 27 Oct 2019
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Kamla – This Divali, let us unite and be the light in our nation to overcome the darkness

I offer warm Divali greetings to our Hindu brothers and sisters throughout Trinidad and Tobago, as I wish everyone a happy, holy, and joyous Divali 2019. This beautiful celebration, the festival of lights, holds the universal message of the triumph of good over evil, light over...
Posted On 26 Oct 2019
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Kamla: Is the proposed transaction between government and Patriotic Energies just a sham?

Is the proposed transaction between the government and Patriotic Energies just a sham? Is a charade being perpetrated on the public to aid the Rowley regime in the two upcoming elections while simultaneously allowing Ancel Roget and David Abdullah to evade questions on their...
Posted On 23 Oct 2019
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UNC: Why all the secrecy on Petrotrin refinery sale?

The United National Congress rejects any claim that the Opposition is seeking to block the sale of the Petrotrin Refinery. We maintain our position that transparency and accountability are essential in any disposal of public property to private sector entities. Transparency is...
Posted On 23 Oct 2019
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