PM: Local Gov’t Election in Two Months

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has hinted that local government elections will be held within the next two months, and that general elections before the next two years is up. “There was a battle in 2010 — one in January for the leadership of the party and another in May...
Posted On 22 Jul 2013
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Apologise. Ameen calls Warner out on misleading information

Gloomy skies and unpredictable weather did not stop the intrepid souls who walked, taxied and maxi-taxied their way to the soggy Marchin Recreation Ground, Jerningham Junction, Cunupia ground on Friday night to listen to interim leader of the newly formed Independent Liberal...
Posted On 21 Jul 2013
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Chaguanas West special electors begin voting tomorrow

The Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC) has advised special electors for the Chaguanas West bye-election that the special polling station to be established by the returning officer, in accordance with Election Rule 73 (1) of the Representation of the People Act, will...
Posted On 21 Jul 2013
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Vasant: I’m backing Khadijah

TRADE Minister Vasant Bharath on Thursday threw his support behind Khadijah Ameen, the UNC’s candidate for the Chaguanas West bye-election, at a cottage meeting at the La Paille Community Centre. This despite the fact that Bharath was once tipped to be selected by the UNC as the...
Posted On 20 Jul 2013
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AG’s statement on the passing of Mr. Justice of Appeal Wendell Kangaloo

The Attorney General notes with great sadness the passing of the late Justice of Appeal, Mr. Wendel Kangaloo. His passing leaves a void in the Judiciary and the legal profession which would be difficult to fill. He was a personal friend and mentor to the Honourable Attorney...
Posted On 19 Jul 2013
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T&T gets AAA rating from CariCRIS

Trinidad and Tobago has received a AAA rating from the Caribbean Credit Rating Agency (CariCRIS). Finance Minister Larry Howai made the announcement at Thursday’s Post Cabinet Media Briefing. He noted that Trinidad and Tobago usually receives ratings from Standard and...
Posted On 18 Jul 2013
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Francis Joseph: “I never went to US Embsassy with Jack Warner”

Throughout the Chaguanas West by-election campaign, one statement made repeatedly by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, who has consistently appeared on the platform alongside the United National Congress (UNC) candidate Khadijah Ameen, is that the former Chaguanas MP, Jack...
Posted On 18 Jul 2013
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Moonilal: $190m to finish Lara stadium

The mothballed Brian Lara Cricket Academy in Tarouba will cost an estimated $190 million more to complete, Housing Minister Dr Roodal Moonilal said yesterday. Moonilal, however, questioned whether the completion of the sporting complex, named after champion batsman Brian Lara,...
Posted On 18 Jul 2013
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Khan on e-mail controversy: Probe Rowley and Gordon over treason

Since new commissioners were appointed on June 16, the Integrity Commission has had three meetings to date, the last one on Monday, its communications head Mervyn Crichlow said yesterday. Asked if the e-mail scandal was now being investigated by the commission, Crichlow said: “I...
Posted On 18 Jul 2013
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Khan: Email probe taking too long

PRIME Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s attorney Israel Khan SC yesterday called on police officers investigating Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley’s email claims, to “come clean” and explain why the probe is dragging on into weeks and months. Khan said any argument by the police...
Posted On 18 Jul 2013
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Khadijah: Jack could be my grandpa

KHADIJAH Ameen, the United National Congress (UNC) candidate in the upcoming bye- election in Chaguanas West, is appalled that a person old enough to be her grandfather is launching personal attacks on her. But despite the “attacks” Ameen, 32, gave the assurance she does not...
Posted On 17 Jul 2013
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Teaching starts at Sando hospital in Nov

Health Minister Dr Fuad Khan says the Chancery Lane Teaching Hospital in San Fernando is expected to begin training medical students this November. The complex, located next to San Fernando General Hospital (SFGH), was originally scheduled to be commissioned in May. However, Khan...
Posted On 17 Jul 2013
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