PM Launches the National Conversation at El Dorado

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar SC this afternoon launched the National Conversation, beginning with an event at the Academy of Nursing and Allied Health in El Dorado. The Prime Minister said, “My leadership style has always been to listen first and then lead. Over the...
Posted On 17 Apr 2014
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UNC awaiting new constitution

Party polls to take place after… The United National Congress (UNC) is awaiting the completion of the final draft of its new constitution before it commits to a date for the party’s internal elections. “We are still awaiting the final draft of the constitution and the...
Posted On 12 Apr 2014
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$48M Super-Fast ferry for seabridge

TRANSPORT Minister Stephen Cadiz yesterday announced Government has been able to lease a new inter-island ferry, MV Super-Fast Galicia, at a cost of $48 million for one year. In making this announcement at the post-Cabinet news conference at the Office of the Prime Minister,...
Posted On 11 Apr 2014
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IMF: T&T experiencing robust growth

Trinidad and Tobago is experiencing more robust growth after several years of sub-par performance, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has said. “With the end of maintenance-related outages in the energy sector, we project the economy will grow around 2.5 per cent in 2014,...
Posted On 03 Apr 2014
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PM pays tribute to Shouter Baptists

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar assured the Spiritual Baptist community that Government would continue to ensure its full inclusion into the national community. In her message to the nation on the occasion of Spiritual Baptist/Shouter Liberation Day 2014, Persad-Bissessar...
Posted On 30 Mar 2014
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New Pavilion for Chandernagore Recreation Ground

Chandernagore residents were elated to have a new pavilion opened by the Rural Development Company of Trinidad and Tobago Ltd. (RDC) on Sunday. RDC officially opened the $2.91 million Pavilion and Community Activities Centre at the Chandernagore Recreation Ground approximately...
Posted On 28 Mar 2014
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UNC Delegates urged to get ready for 2015 election

Hundreds of delegates attended a special congress of the United National Congress (UNC) Saturday at the party’s Reinzi headquarters. Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar called on the delegates representing all the constituencies in the country to get ready for the battles ahead...
Posted On 23 Mar 2014
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T&T unemployment down to 3.7 per cent

T&T’s unemployment rate is now 3.7 per cent. Planning Minister Dr Bhoe Tewarie said increased tertiary education and more businesses in the country have contributed to the low unemployment levels. “The participation rate of in tertiary education is 57 per cent and we want to...
Posted On 21 Mar 2014
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Lights for Brickfield Recreation Ground

The trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission (t&tec) hosted a ceremony to mark the completion of a $846,383.00 lighting project at the Brickfield Recreation Ground on Tuesday. Minister of Public Utilities, Nizam Baksh in his feature address said, “The illumination of any...
Posted On 20 Mar 2014
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$300m pipeline to boost South supply

THE State is spending more than $300 million on a pipeline from Caroni to South Trinidad, to ensure a regular water supply. This was announced yesterday by Minister of the Environment and Water Resources Ganga Singh, at the launch of the Caroni South Trunk Main Dualling project....
Posted On 20 Mar 2014
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57 flood victims receive $10,000

A total of 57 flood victims received cheques of $10,000 each yesterday at their MP Prakash Ramadhar’s St Augustine Constituency office, Pasea Road, Tunapuna. Minister of the People and Social Development Dr Glenn Ramadharsingh who addressed the flood victims, said his Ministry...
Posted On 19 Mar 2014
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Ramnarine: No plan to privatise Petrotrin

There’s no intention or plan by Government to privatise state-owned oil and gas company Petrotrin. That’s the word from Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine striking down claims by the Oilfields Workers’ Trade Union (OWTU) that Government “planned to privatise Petrotrin.” In a...
Posted On 19 Mar 2014
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