
Former Minister Writes Ghana Seeking Clarification on Le Hunte Citizen Status

Hon. Minister for Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, Mrs. Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration Post Office Box M53, Accra – Ghana Honorable Minister: I write to you a former Cabinet Minister and political / social activist of the...
Posted On 01 Sep 2017
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Message from the Leader of the Opposition on the 55th Anniversary of Independence

Today, our nation marks the 55th anniversary of independence from Great Britain, and on behalf of the Opposition, I extend greetings and best wishes to all citizens. We have achieved much as a young nation in building our democracy. We can be proud that so many of our citizens...
Posted On 30 Aug 2017
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UNC: Gross Violation of the Constitution

The United National Congress has expressed amazement at the sheer incompetence once again displayed by this Keith Rowley-led administration. The latest firing of Robert Le Hunte has once again brought to the forefront that this Government cannot accomplish the most basic tasks of...
Posted On 28 Aug 2017
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Moonilal: Distraction from the collapse of the housing sector

Housing Minister Randall Mitchell must identify a single house built under his stewardship over the past two years and provide specifics of the planned construction of 8,000 homes over the next three years. Mr. Mitchell has engaged in public grandstanding – complete with hard hat...
Posted On 26 Aug 2017
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Kamla to speak at independence celebrations in New York, USA this weekend

Political Leader of the United National Congress and Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP, will speak at two events in New York, USA this weekend. The events are organized by Trinidadians & Tobagonians, USA in Queens, New York. On Saturday 26th August,...
Posted On 25 Aug 2017
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Charles: Minister Garcia must come clean on school repairs during this vacation

MP for Naparima condemns the Education Minister for misleading Parliament and the country about vacation repairs to the nation’s schools, specifically, the Fifth Company Baptist Primary School located in Moruga/Tableland, the constituency of junior Minister in the Ministry of...
Posted On 22 Aug 2017
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Kamla: PM Rowley continues to mask his Government’s incompetence in handling seabridge fiasco

Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP says after the Prime Minister’s meeting with Tobago stakeholders today, one thing is certain – Dr Keith Rowley has no ideas, and is incapable of dealing with any of the issues facing our country, including the...
Posted On 21 Aug 2017
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Padarath Calls for Investigation into the Daryl Smith Foundation

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath has issued a call for Prime Minister Keith Rowley to investigate allegations into the conduct and operations of the Daryl Smith Foundation. Padarath indicated that recently the Minister of Sport was caught red handed making contradictory statements...
Posted On 17 Aug 2017
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The illogical cutback in GATE funding will lead to lasting negative impact on human capital development

The forced shutdown of educational campuses of one of Trinidad and Tobago’s leading private tertiary institutions is a further bleak indication and realization of the unacceptable sharp regression of the education sector under the Rowley regime. The decision of the School of...
Posted On 16 Aug 2017
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Kamla: Mr. Mouttet should step aside and PATT Board and Minister Sinanan should be fired forthwith

Kamla: Mr. Christian Mouttet should step aside from this PR (public relations) gimmick and the PATT Board and Minister Sinanan should resign or be fired over FERRYGATE forthwith The Opposition Leader issued the following statement: This increasingly sordid investigation mess is...
Posted On 16 Aug 2017
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Kamla: Prime Minister misses the boat on investigation of ferry deal

Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP today slammed Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley’s decision to appoint a sole investigator to examine the circumstances surrounding the procurement of the Cabo Star and the Ocean Flower 2. The Opposition Leader issued the...
Posted On 15 Aug 2017
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Kamla calls on Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley to take immediate action on Tobago Ferry

Leader of the Opposition Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP is calling on Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley to take immediate action in addressing the Tobago ferry scandal. The Opposition Leader issued the following statement: Rowley’s apology was too little, too late, and did nothing...
Posted On 14 Aug 2017
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