National Operations Centre a success
THE EDITOR: I have been privy to several talk shows between Mr Garvin Heerah, from the National Operations Centre and various hosts from the different morning programmes on television. They have discussed the countless methods the Centre is using to execute security measures in order to decrease the crime rate.
From what I have learnt, the Carnival period is by no means the only time the Command Centre will be functional. It is a known fact that the operations taking place will be 24 hours seven days a week, as long as they have the resources to continue.
The public needs to be more attentive and listen to the principle behind the entire structure of the operations.
Listening to Mr Heerah he seems to be quite an intelligent individual who knows exactly what his target is, and he is therefore assuring the public that he has the suitable resources to complete the job. The positive result of his efforts thus far was certainly reflected in the low crime statistics during the recent Carnival period.
Congratulations to the Minister of National Security the Honourable Gary Griffith, for being pro-active and implementing these state of the art centres.
From my observations, these big screen monitors are on the same level with those that are currently being used in several first world countries for securing large events.
At last, those lawless criminals will no longer be able to escape the eyes of the authorities. The country seems to be heading to some form of stabilisation.
So people please, let us bind together and hope for the best where the crime will decrease, and the authorities will again take charge of this sweet island.
Susan Farrow
via email
For the well informed, crime is not an event but a reaction. Reaction to what? one may ask. When a society is so constructed as to intentionally create imbalances to the detriment of one or more groups over another, neuroses are created and acted upon by the disenfranchised. This decay in social order, we classify as Crime/Criminal Activity. To resolve this interruption of our orderly social discourse, a reversal of the root cause is the best and only lasting course of action. Anything else sold to the populace as a solution is patently erroneous and if done so intentionally, should be viewed as an attempt to further the gains of the originators of the original architects of this deception that caused the social decay. Specifically, to present a temporary reprieve as a permanent solution is to gift-rap this problem to be presented to successors compounded. When the ill-informed are assigned places of leadership societal ills are compounded. Ancient and modern cultures that have experienced and successfully overcome these social disruptions are numerous. The solution is never found without an in-dept look into all quadrants of the issue, especially the input of the designers of this social “la Basse.” The Humanities should be the first place that should be sough for answers!