Is Rowley above the law?
Dear Editor,
Since his ridicule over the motion of no confidence in the Prime Minister and the PP Government, Dr Rowley is hell-bent on a smear campaign against Government officials.
In the daily newspapers, Dr Rowley has made charges against the Prime Minister and the Attorney General, stating that they are putting themselves above the law. In my opinion, the individual who believes they are above the law is Dr Rowley himself. I wish to remind the Opposition leader that he was the one who insisted and held a private meeting at the home of the chairman of the Integrity Commission, 5 days before bringing the motion of no confidence to Parliament. And, under Parliamentary privileges, he proceeded to present what has been subsequently described by IT professionals as “fabricated”, his e-mail evidence of Government misconduct in public office.
The gravity of Dr. Rowley’s statements against the Prime Minister, the Attorney General and Minister Rambachan in recent times goes beyond political mud-slinging, in his attempt to sway public opinion away from his misconduct in public office. But, Dr. Rowley, we the citizens have been keeping track, and we will not be so easily deceived by you.
Ann Jones
Port of Spain