Councillor Kuarsingh appeals to the Ministry of Education to end students’ suffering by opening the Ramai Trace Hindu School
It has been an agonizing four years since the students of the Ramai Trace Hindu School were temporarily relocated to the Hanuman Milan Mandir at Penal Rock Road.
Students as young as five years old continue the heart-breaking routine of arising as early as 5am to travel over an hour away to the temple. They continue to endure extremely cramped makeshift classrooms, insufficient washroom facilities and a 34km roundtrip daily which has led to serious overcrowding, health and safety issues and several students falling ill.
Students, parents, the member of Parliament, the councillor and concerned residents of the area have staged numerous public protests in November 2016 at the school in Ramai Trace Debe, in March 2017 outside Parliament, and in January 2018 where there were multiple days of protest at S.S. Erin Road Debe.
In a Parliament sitting on May 4th, 2018, the Minister of Education had indicated that “the completion of this school is of priority and steps have been implemented towards the resumption of works in the shortest possible time.” However, after three years of assurances, the Minister’s promises never materialized and the school which is 95 per cent complete has been abandoned and overgrown with bushes while the suffering and distress of the innocent students continue.
Today I call upon the Minister of Education to give an immediate response on the resumption of works. The students, parents and residents of Ramai Trace, Debe deserve an answer and I urge Mr. Garcia to bring an end to the daily misery of students by completing the Ramai Trace Hindu Primary School.