UNC condemns PNM attack on Baptist community

THE United National Congress (UNC) has condemned what it describes as an assault on the Spiritual Shouter Baptist community by the Keith Rowley-led Opposition. A release issued Tuesday roundly condemned the position of the Opposition over its statement that “the United National...
Posted On 31 Mar 2015
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Youth Arm Chairman says walk out confirms PNM MPs have no confidence in Opposition Leader

The actions undertaken by Opposition Members of Parliament yesterday to dramatically walk out and not participate in the Government’s Motion of No Confidence against Opposition Leader Dr. Keith Rowley has demonstrated and clearly indicates that they themselves have no...
Posted On 26 Mar 2015
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Rowley walkout an affront to democracy

THE Keith Rowley-led walkout during a motion of no confidence in Leader of the Opposition brought by the Government, is a serious affront to democracy and a display of his stark inability to remain composed under the pressure of debate and responsibility. This according to a...
Posted On 25 Mar 2015
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Couva North Executive Condemns Rowley’s Statements, Demands Resignation‏

Insulting statements made by Opposition Leader, Keith Rowley toward the Honourable Prime Minister were a gross disrespect to not just her, but to all women, children and citizens of Trinidad and Tobago. Rowley’s use of such vulgar and salacious language is highly offensive and...
Posted On 20 Mar 2015
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UNC International demands apology from Dr Keith Rowley

Women in Trinidad and Tobago and across the world have struggled for decades to attain equality in the professional world and to be able to stand on equal ground in what was once considered a man’s world. The Honourable Kamla Persad Bissessar SC has been a trailblazer for women...
Posted On 19 Mar 2015
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UNC Youth: Rowley violated Principles of Leadership, Degrade Women

Opposition Leader Dr. Keith Rowley has once more violated the sacred principles of leadership through his disrespectful and derogatory statements made against the Honourable Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar SC while speaking at a Public meeting held by the People’s National...
Posted On 19 Mar 2015
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UNC Women condemns derogatory comments by Opposition Leader

The Women’s Arm of the United National Congress is outraged at the comments made by the Leader of the Opposition in referring to the Hon Prime Minister at the PNM’s meeting in Brazil on the 17th March 2015. At that meeting Keith Rowley as leader of the PNM, leader of the...
Posted On 19 Mar 2015
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UNC congratulates Minister Tewarie on swift and decisive action

The United National Congress takes this opportunity to congratulate Planning Minister Dr Bhoe Tewarie for the swift and decisive manner in which he acted in firing with immediate effect Jaishima Leladharsingh from the Board of the Chaguaramas Development Authority. The firing...
Posted On 18 Mar 2015
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Prime Minister Persad-Bissessar extends condolences on the passing of Mr. Alloy Lequay

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, S.C. has expressed her condolences to the family of Mr. Alloy Lequay, statesman and sport administrator, who passed away today (Sunday) at the age of 90. “Trinidad and Tobago bids farewell to one of our truest sons of the soil. Mr. Lequay...
Posted On 15 Mar 2015
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UNC PRO calls on Opposition Leader and PNM PRO to come clean on West

Tell us the truth, Dr Rowley. That’s the call from Public Relations Officer for the United National Congress, Rodney Charles. Charles made the call in reference to the PNM Leader’s changing statements regarding his knowledge that David West is a witness in a private court matter...
Posted On 11 Mar 2015
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