Kamla: We respect the decision of the court

The Court of Appeal has decidedly confirmed that the decision of the EBC to extend time for voting in the last general election was illegal and unconstitutional. This is a victory for democracy and the rule of law. We now focus our attention on the local government elections...
Posted On 19 Oct 2016
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This morning the Court of Appeal commenced hearing of the arguments in the appeal of the United National Congress to challenge the legality of the 2015 General Election. The Court of Appeal comprised Chief Justice Archie and Justices of Appeal Mendonca and Jamadar. This is a...
Posted On 17 Oct 2016
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MP Ramdial Congratulates Scholarship Winners

I would like extend congratulations to all scholarship winners, especially the President’s medal winners who are both girls; Raquel LeBlanc of St Joseph’s Convent and Priya Maraj of Lakshmi Girls Hindu School. Lakshmi Girls being my alma mater, I would like to specially...
Posted On 14 Oct 2016
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Message from Opposition Leader on International Day of the Girl Child

Today I join Trinidad and Tobago and the rest of the global community in commemorating International Day of the Girl Child, with the hope that our world will end all forms of gender discrimination and allow every girl child to grow and achieve her full potential. There are more...
Posted On 11 Oct 2016
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UNC Chairman responds to PNM Gen Sec Ashton Ford Newsday letter “Clearing air on PM’s residence in Tobago”

I refer to a letter in the Newsday newspaper today 9th September 2016, under the headline “Clearing air on PM’s residence in Tobago”, written by one Ashton Ford, General Secretary of the PNM. Regrettably, Mr. Ford indulged in typical PNM complication and confusion in responding...
Posted On 09 Oct 2016
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Kamla’s Humanitarian Appeal: Pray for Haiti and help in whatever way you can

I am deeply distressed by the human tragedy unfolding in Haiti in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew, which devastated entire communities and left more than 900 dead. Many more have suffered severe injuries and tens of thousands are homeless. While much media attention has been...
Posted On 09 Oct 2016
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Criminal activity spikes in Munroe Road

The Chaguanas West Constituency Executive is quite alarmed at the spiking rate of criminal activity in the Munroe Road area. Just this week, in the vicinity of the Munroe Road flyover, two men were arrested with guns and ammunition. Interestingly the two suspects are ex members...
Posted On 09 Oct 2016
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T&TEC refused to leave lights on at Pierre Road ground for Ramleela Celebrations

The Pierre Road Ramleela Committee is commenced that its Ramleela Celebrations which starts on Friday 14th October and ends Monday 24th October, will be in darkness. The Committee had requested that the lights at the Pierre Road ground remain lighting until 11:00 P.M. for the...
Posted On 09 Oct 2016
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Another glaring case of discrimination by the Rowley-led Administration

The Member of Parliament for Cumuto/Manzanilla, the Honourable Christine Newallo-Hosein is asking on behalf of her constituents, “Is this government saying that some lives matter more than others?” This question comes as a result of a disclosure by the Member for St. Ann’s East...
Posted On 08 Oct 2016
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Kamla Extends Condolences on Passing of Masman Stephen Derek

I wish to join members of the artistic community and the nation in mourning the loss of Stephen Derek, one of our country’s better known Carnival band leaders and costume designers. Stephen passed away Friday afternoon. He was 64. I wish to extend my condolences to his friends...
Posted On 08 Oct 2016
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