Padarath: Minister Admits Failure, Buck Stops With Kazim

Princes Town MP, Barry Padarath slammed Minister of Local Government and Rural Development for the closure of several shelters in south Trinidad during Tropical Storm Bret. Padarath stated that the poor coordination among state agencies, lack of proper and accurate information...
Posted On 21 Jun 2017
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UNC Chairman Lee applauds the heroic efforts of all Regional Corporations & Essential Services during Tropical Storm Bret

As Chairman of the United National Congress as well as Member of Parliament for Pointe a Pierre I would like to sincerely congratulate and warmly thank all the courageous individuals of the Regional Corporations, Fire Service, Police Service and other essential service attendants...
Posted On 20 Jun 2017
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Indarsingh: The labour movement have nothing to celebrate after 21 months of Rowley led-Government

Couva South MP Rudranath Indarsingh, the Opposition’s Labour and Enterprise Development Critic remains steadfast in his conviction that workers and the labour movement have absolutely nothing to celebrate on Labour Day after 21-months of the Keith Rowley led-Government....
Posted On 17 Jun 2017
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After 21 months PNM lays unchanged PP Gas Master Plan in Parliament

After 21 months of review and work by yet another committee, the PNM has decided to lay the September 2015 Gas Master Plan (GMP) in Parliament. Over the last 21 months we were told on numerous occasions that it was being reviewed. On October 6th 2015, former Minister of Energy...
Posted On 16 Jun 2017
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Dr Gopeesingh call for the rest of EFCL Board to resign

The remaining members of the Board of Directors must immediately follow Chairman Arnold Piggott and resign from Education Facilities Company Limited (EFCL). Mr Piggott’s resignation has come in the wake of serious allegations of corruption, bid rigging, abuse of office, squander...
Posted On 03 Jun 2017
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UNC Chairman – MP Hinds being untruthful to mask his incompetence

As Chairman of the United National Congress I would like to strongly refute the claims of the nation’s worst Minister of Public Utilities MP Fitzgerald Hinds that the protest action undertaken by Morvant residents was influenced by UNC activists or any element of the...
Posted On 01 Jun 2017
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The Leader of the Opposition, Kamla Persad-Bissessar congratulates BPTT on the announcement of its success in its two exploration wells Savannah and Macadamia. This success by BP vindicates the decision by the former PP administration to introduce a wide-ranging package of fiscal...
Posted On 31 May 2017
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UNC Chairman – Let us rekindle values of determination as we celebrate Indian Arrival Day

Chairman of the United National Congress and Member of Parliament for the Constituency of Pointe a Pierre I would like to wish the East Indian Community and all of Trinidad and Tobago a Happy Arrival Day 2017. As our nation celebrates this very significant and defining day it is...
Posted On 29 May 2017
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Opposition Leader’s Message on the start of the Holy Month of Ramadan

Assalam-wa alaikum Peace and blessings be upon you! On behalf of the Opposition, I extend best wishes to our Muslim brothers and sisters in Trinidad and Tobago, and around the world, as they begin the observance of Ramadan, a month devoted to fasting, prayer, honouring Allah...
Posted On 26 May 2017
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UNC Chairman & Pointe a Pierre MP Lee – Another “Nothing” Committee appointed by Government

Once more Government has instituted another “nothing happens ” committee in the form of the Cabinet appointed Inter ministerial Committee for the approval and facilitation of investments in the non energy sector. It is quite disturbing that after 20 months in office,...
Posted On 23 May 2017
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