Moonilal calls on Rowley to dismiss Al Rawi as Attorney General

The much-belated and half-hearted apology of Brigadier General Rodney Smart to his predecessor Major General Kenrick Maharaj raises several troubling issues. The statement gives the impression that no stone is being left unturned to perpetrate a massive cover-up in this sordid...
Posted On 21 Jul 2017
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Be Warned About Sandals Mr PM

Couva North MP Ramona Ramdial is calling for Prime Minister, Keith Rowley to be warned and take heed of what is happening in Antigua where for the first time in 25 years, the Sandals Resort will be shutting down for three months due to a dispute over concessions with the...
Posted On 20 Jul 2017
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Former Education Minister Slams Garcia Misleading Statement over Fanny Village Gov’t Primary School

Minister of Education Anthony Garcia must immediately cease, deliberately misleading the nation by wickedly disguising the truths and misrepresenting the facts for his political expediency. Mr. Garcia’s vicious propensity for spreading untruths came to a head in Parliament...
Posted On 13 Jul 2017
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Naparima MP Rodney Charles calls on Govt to stop skylarking with the $18M EU grant

At a time when our country needs all the foreign exchange that it can get to improve our economy, MP Rodney Charles is at a loss to know why government is losing access to $18 million in grants by its inability to meet our country’s objectives in the EU’s...
Posted On 11 Jul 2017
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United National Congress appoints new Public Relations Officer

The United National Congress is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms Anita Haynes as the party’s Public Relations Officer. Ms Haynes’ appointment was announced by UNC Political Leader Kamla Persad Bissessar on Monday 3rd July, 2017, at the party’s Monday Night Forum in...
Posted On 08 Jul 2017
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MP Newallo-Hosein Calls on Trade Union to assist TT/Food Card Workers

Cumuto/Manzanilla MP Christine Newallo-Hosein is seeking the intervention of the Trade Union Movement to assist the 200 contract workers attached to the TT/Food Card Division of the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services who have been served with retrenchment notices...
Posted On 07 Jul 2017
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UNC Women’s Arm extends Condolences to Councilor J-lynn Roopnarine’s family and the family of Rose Mohammed and Videsh Subar

The UNC National Women’s Arm extends deepest sympathy to Councilor J-lynn Roopnarine’s family and all the families who have been affected by the recent tragic deaths of Rose Mohammed and Videsh Subar, as well as to all victims of crime in Trinidad and Tobago. The...
Posted On 30 Jun 2017
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UNC Political Leader to act on advice from National Executive to file No-Confidence Motion against the Speaker

The National Executive of the United National Congress (UNC) views with great concern the response by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Honourable Bridgid Annisette-George to the official Opposition in Parliament, in particular on Friday 23rd June, 2017, when a...
Posted On 24 Jun 2017
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Caroni Central Executive Council Hits Government For Its Lip Service in Bret Floods

Caroni Central Constituency Executive is totally upset with the slow pace of intervention to the flood victims in the area by the Government. Communities like Caparo, Freeport, Todds Road, Carlsen Field, Palmiste and Preysal have been seriously affected with floods, lost of...
Posted On 23 Jun 2017
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Moonilal calls on the Rowley-led Administration to be proactive in the aftermath of Bret

In light of the on-going disaster caused by Tropical Storm Bret, CEPEP resources should be assigned to assist in clearing clogged water courses, removing debris, cleaning affected homes and undertaking other essential and urgent duties. The Government should immediately...
Posted On 21 Jun 2017
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