Don Rowley

The fascinating saga of Keith Rowley continues at breathtaking speed. What else could be responsible for his inexplicable rush to blame Manning for the early electoral defeat when he Rowley contributed to the accelerated decision? Perhaps Rowley needs to explain who was with him...
Posted On 22 Jun 2014
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Poor qualities for a leader

The Editor: There is no difference between the character of Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj and Keith Rowley. Both sabotaged their leader in their quest for power. Dr Rowley studied the attempt by Ramesh in 2001 and tried to perfect the art in 2010.   How can we trust people like that to...
Posted On 22 Jun 2014
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A safer place to live

The Editor: Crime is a worldwide issue that legislators try to fight and find ways to prevent. Now more than ever you can hear the outcry in our own land for something drastic to be done about the crime situation. People are scared and more than a little concerned about their...
Posted On 21 Jun 2014
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AG feeding off allegations

The Editor: A recent article in one of our prominent newspapers published an article titled ‘AG chalks up another win in court’. A May 16 letter signed by Gaspard, informed Ramlogan that, “The completed police investigation into the allegation of a conspiracy to pervert the...
Posted On 21 Jun 2014
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Destructive behaviour!

Dear Editor: It is well know that confidence is the real currency of any economy. Loss of confidence in any financial institution causes what is known as a “run” on that institution, where there is a mad rush to withdraw deposits by customers. This leads to the fast...
Posted On 15 Jun 2014
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Prime Minister was not out of character!

Dear Editor: The Opposition, in keeping with their character, has widely criticised the Prime Minister for her decision in the Anil Robert’s situation. However, the Prime Minister cannot be faulted for her the decision she took. In the past, once presented with key...
Posted On 14 Jun 2014
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Attack on the PP Government will intensify

Dear Editor: As we enter into the election year, the attack on the PP Government will intensify. In fact in my lifetime coming through from 1966 onwards, I have never witnessed a government under as intense scrutiny as the Kamla Persad Bissessar administration. Mind you, there is...
Posted On 13 Jun 2014
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Kudos to Works Ministry

THE EDITOR: Last week my younger cousin, who is attending the University of the West Indies and is currently in the second year of her programme, started her stint as an On the Job Trainee (OJT) with the Ministry of Works and Infrastructure. Nothing remarkable there. However,...
Posted On 11 Jun 2014
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Age and gender not a factor!

Dear Editor: Colm Imbert, on Friday 6th June, 2014, while making his contribution in Parliament said that we need a need a wise old man for the position of Governor of the Central Bank. How myopic could this statement be! What does age or gender have to do with it? I ask this so...
Posted On 10 Jun 2014
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Respect the office!

Dear Editor: I absolutely abhor disrespectful youths. I hate to see young people walk into a room without saying the necessary salutations, wearing hats inside a room and not respecting their elders, just to name a few. I lament the fact that our nation have allowed this slide to...
Posted On 09 Jun 2014
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