Hospital impressive

Since the San Fernando Teaching Hospital was opened, I only had opportunity to view it from the outside. However, my uncle was admitted to the facility two weeks ago, so I had reason to see the inside for myself. What I saw was very, very impressive. First of all, there is a...
Posted On 29 Jun 2014
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Shocking move by the opposition

The Editor: While crime continues to go unabated, the criminals are getting stronger and bolder at what they do. With a detection rate of less than 10%, anyone can kill and the probability of being caught is very small. In all areas, the T&T Police Service (TTPS) is a dismal...
Posted On 28 Jun 2014
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PNM has failed us

The Editor: Statistics have confirmed the details in a letter published late last year that “the People’s National Movement (PNM) bounces back like the proverbial bad penny almost ritually every five years since it first lost an election in 1986.” The difference with 2015,...
Posted On 28 Jun 2014
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Beautification project admirable!

Dear Editor: In the 1960’s in the US, when Lyndon Baines Johnson was President, then First Lady “Lady Bird” Johnson undertook an extensive beautification drive throughout the country, in a effort to provide a more pleasing environment and to rid of the...
Posted On 27 Jun 2014
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Kamla Persad Bissessar- A true servant leader

Dear Editor:While servant leadership is a timeless concept, the phrase “servant leadership” was coined by Robert K. Greenleaf in The Servant as Leader, an essay that he first published in 1970.  Greenleaf recognized that organizations as well as individuals could be...
Posted On 27 Jun 2014
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Are leaders born or made?

Dear Editor: There is common agreement amongst students of leadership that there are some highly skilled individuals who are born destined to lead. They come into this world blessed with that natural charisma, charm and self awareness that are key requirements for a good leader....
Posted On 27 Jun 2014
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Rowley unfit to lead

History tells us that the PNM in government is never controlled by leaders who respect democratic values or the rule of law. And that, in opposition, it’s nothing more than a dictatorship biding its time to pounce. So, any time we hear PNM suggesting their actions are...
Posted On 26 Jun 2014
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Give PM a break

THE EDITOR: I hold no brief for the Prime Minister, Kamla Persad-Bissessar or her Government. But fair is fair. The lady in her statement on the fight on crime, employed the use of a metaphor. See metaphor: n. “figure of speech in which a name of descriptive term is given to an...
Posted On 26 Jun 2014
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Kudos to traffic wardens

THE EDITOR: Having seen the milling of the road in the Powder Magazine area over the weekend, I anticipated the horrendous traffic jam that would ensue on the Monday after the long weekend and took appropriate action by leaving earlier. I still got into some traffic but not like...
Posted On 26 Jun 2014
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Re Locating Chaguanas Public Market

Dear Minister, I listened to your presentation and ideas yesterday on TV. Yes it is a very good idea to re locate the market and find at lease 25 acres of state lands to make a brand new facility with a big parking area so our citizens can shop in a new type of facility provided...
Posted On 25 Jun 2014
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