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Birds of a feather
Posted On 27 Jul 2013
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I was in absolute shock and horror as I observed the Independent Liberal Party (ILP) party’s political meeting on last Tuesday night. I cannot believe that Mr. Warner would subject the country to that level of abuse and disrespect.
I still cannot understand the rational that he would have to go all the way to Guyana to have someone speak on his by-election platform. Does he not have enough support right here at home? Furthermore, did he not have the good sense to vet his speaker’s message? Mr. Jailal Kissoon is Mr. Warner’s long time friend and associate, is the views expressed by him that of Mr. Warner also?
As they say, birds of a feather flock together, so is this the mindset of Mr. Warner? This was a new low of in our politics in our country, and the blame lies squarely at Mr. Warner’s feet.
Anil Roopnarine