
UNC: Davidson-Celestine Must Stop Calling the UNC’s Name

The UNC advises PNM Tobago Council political leader Tracy Davidson-Celestine to stop calling our party’s great name in her nefarious diatribes. Davidson-Celestine, humiliated after the front-page exposure of her massive corruption scandals (“THA spends $2.5m on tourism project,...
Posted On 16 Jan 2021
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Couva North MP Congratulates New A.S.TT Executive

As the Member of Parliament with the assigned responsibility by my party to shadow the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries, I take this opportunity to extend congratulations to the newly elected Executive of the Agricultural Society of Trinidad and Tobago (A.S.TT), led by...
Posted On 16 Jan 2021
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UNC: Shameless Laurel Lezama-Lee Sing is “out of place”

The parent of a Port of Spain child who received a used laptop from Laurel Lezama-Lee Sing was absolutely correct to remark that the PNM PRO was “out of place” in her remarks to them. At the event which was to be focused on the children, Lezama-Lee Sing exhorted parents, “You...
Posted On 16 Jan 2021
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Kamla: Government Must Act Immediately to Prevent A Food Crisis

Increasing prices of food have always been a major problem under this PNM Government but with one major food distributor warning that if the Forex woes continue, there will be an expected 35% price hike for all foods soon. This is a disaster waiting to happen and the longer the...
Posted On 16 Jan 2021
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MP Tancoo: A National Disgrace and Shame

A National Disgrace and Shame is how MP Davendranath Tancoo described the Government’s treatment of “tens of thousands” of children in rural communities and financially challenged families. The Member of Parliament for Oropouche West was speaking at a distribution ceremony of...
Posted On 15 Jan 2021
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MP for Caroni East: Health Minister Must Provide Details of PPE to Medical Workers

Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh must tell the nation whether all healthcare professionals in the Public Healthcare Institutions are provided with industry certified personal protective equipment (PPE). The Minister must do so in light of the death of a patient at the Port of...
Posted On 15 Jan 2021
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UNC: Stuart Young is Oppressing Citizens of T&T

The No-confidence Motion is the Responsible thing to do Stuart Young is using the Ministry of National Security to oppress the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago, home and abroad. As the Official Opposition, elected by the majority of Trinidadians, and representing the majority of...
Posted On 15 Jan 2021
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Tobago PNM Must Stop its Racism and Corruption: UNC has Done More for Tobago than PNM

The UNC condemns Tracy Davidson-Celestine’s bringing our party on her campaign platform to try to sully our name. Davidson-Celestine needs to explain the open and naked corruption in Tobago under her watch and address the fact that the PNM-controlled THA has received billions in...
Posted On 14 Jan 2021
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MP Lee – Where are the jobs for Pointe a Pierre in Phoenix Park construction?

As Member of Parliament for Pointe a Pierre, the constituency in which the multimillion-dollar Phoenix Park project is being constructed, I am calling on the Government to tell us how many jobs have been provided for our constituents on this project given the significant...
Posted On 13 Jan 2021
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UNC: Stuart Young Must Stop Trying to Distract us from his Incompetence

Minister Stuart Young’s juvenile and childish response confirms both his incompetence, dangerousness and why this Motion of No-Confidence brought by Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar is absolutely needed. Stuart Young has been inflicted on the citizens of this country at a...
Posted On 13 Jan 2021
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