
FOSTER – Come down from dey

After the failed attempt to silence and hinder me in the execution of my duties as an Opposition Senator, Foster Cummings must do the honourable thing and step down as a Minister until the police complete their investigations into financial dealings involving state enterprises...
Posted On 10 Jun 2022
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PNM mobbish and gang-like behaviour has reached our schools

On 6th June 2022 varying angles of very explosive, disorderly, and criminal behaviour was circulated on social media revealing a schoolgirl slashing another schoolgirl’s face in a school fight. This is not the first fight that has gone viral since the reopening of physical...
Posted On 07 Jun 2022
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Tancoo: Sinanan to blame for flooding

Over the last 7 years we have raised the issue of the need for proper treatment of the water courses in the Constituency of Oropouche West. Minister of Works and Transport Rohan Sinanan, under whose portfolio these works fall, has flipped between claiming extensive work was done...
Posted On 03 Jun 2022
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TANCOO: It’s ALL bad news

The response from the Acting Commissioner of Police, McDonald Jacob, to the fact that this country ranks as having the 6th highest crime rate in the world in the recent 2022 World Popu­lation Review is a cause for major concern. The Acting CoP declared this was “not all bad...
Posted On 30 May 2022
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Opposition Leader Indian Arrival Day Message

As Trinidad and Tobago celebrates the 177th anniversary of the Arrival of Indentured labourers from India, today must be a day of reflection on the resilience of our east Indian forefathers, the resilience of those from other lands that they met here, a day to recommit to...
Posted On 29 May 2022
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Padarath: Government is Providing an Enabling Environment for Abusers

MP for Princes Town and Shadow for Child Affairs, Barry Padarath has lashed out at the Government after reading the front page of today’s Guardian. The Member of Parliament is demanding that Rowley, Camille and Webster-Roy stop the blame game, stop the witch hunt and place...
Posted On 26 May 2022
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Camille Proves Rowley Lied About Sabga Report

At a press conference on Sunday 22nd May 2022, a reporter asked Keith Rowley to comment on his now-debunked claims that the Sabga report was hidden despite there being numerous references in Parliament to it. Instead of accepting that he misled the country about the Sabga report...
Posted On 23 May 2022
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Agriculture in Cumuto/Manzanilla needs assistance Mr. Prime Minister

I note the recent announcement in the media that Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley will depart for Guyana where he will attend a regional meeting on agriculture. As the Member of Parliament for a constituency that has many farmers, I want to inform the Prime Minister farmers of...
Posted On 20 May 2022
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Police Must Investigate Pedophile Ring Operating Within the PNM

It is not surprising that Keith Rowley is focused on the Robert Sabga report commissioned 25 years ago rather than the Justice Jones report, outlining serious sexual and physical abuse occurring presently under the Children’s Authority. This is clearly an attempt to deflect from...
Posted On 19 May 2022
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Hinds and Rowley Must Jog Their Memories for Akiel Chambers

I write today out of an abundance of concern for the democratic stabilty of Trinidad and Tobago. I, being a staunch believer of COUNTRY BEFORE PARTY, insist on the necessity of having at least 2 political parties within our Westminster system that are vibrant, dynamic and...
Posted On 19 May 2022
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