“In Defence of our MP Jack Warner”

UNITED NATIONAL CONGRESS CHAGUANAS WEST CONSTITUENCY LP 13 Caroni Savannah Road, Chaguanas Phone: 1(868)665.7809 Fax: 1(868)671.6974 Email: cwcsecretary@aol.com Honourable Jack Warner, MP IN DEFENCE OF OUR MP JACK WARNER The Constituency of Chaguanas West stands in full support...
Posted On 21 Apr 2013
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The magic of 34

The number 34 has acquired a fair amount of notoriety in the recent past. As a mathematician, I feel compelled to put in a good word for the number 34. You may reasonably ask, “What is so special about 34?” The answer is nothing short of magical. I remember my first encounter in...
Posted On 20 Apr 2013
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PNM lashing out

With reference to the articles written about Keith Rowley’s objections to the recent meetings among key stakeholders in the Defence Bill, I have been pushed into the belief the People’s National Movement (PNM) has been fairly trapped and is simply lashing out like a wild animal. 
Posted On 20 Apr 2013
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Inspired by good work of the Minister of Local Government

Dear Editor I read with great interest newspaper articles dealing with the local government Reform Consultations. I was honestly taken back when I read that the Regional Corporations have been able to draw down 80% of their money under the Public Sector Investment Program for...
Posted On 20 Apr 2013
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Jack Warner statement on Concacaf

I have not had the chance to fully read the report of CONCACAF today where allegations have been made against me. I left CONCACAF and turned my back on football two years ago. Since then I have had no interest in any football related matter. CONCACAF’s report today is of no...
Posted On 19 Apr 2013
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COP Chairman always too quick to jump to conclusions

Dear Editor I have read where the COP’s Chairman Mrs Carolyn Seepersad –Bachan commenting on the Anil Robert’s matter said that he should step aside while an investigation is on-going. Of course we know now that Anil Roberts was never referred to the DPP. Even if Anil was...
Posted On 19 Apr 2013
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Mature Govt move to meet with senators

THE EDITOR: When the Senate debate on the Miscellaneous Provisions (Defence and Police Complaints) Bill was halted two weeks ago, many jumped at the Government’s throat, rejoicing that it had been “defeated.” I beg to differ. Surely when a Bill is laid in Parliament it is open to...
Posted On 19 Apr 2013
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Why PNM change of policy on soldiers?

THE EDITOR: As a young person living in a high crime area, I believe it is important for me to give my views on the crime problem. I have lived my entire life in Maloney and my friends and I have done good for ourselves by attaining decent jobs and following the rule of law. It...
Posted On 19 Apr 2013
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‘Mr Big’ never caught

I love the efficiency and speed of foreign law enforcers. For example, within two days of the Boston Marathon bombings, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation has photos of two suspects captured by closed-circuit television cameras. On the other hand, I remember when I was still...
Posted On 19 Apr 2013
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$12 Million for Prosthetics Programme

Government is to spend $12 million a year on citizens who need prosthetics. The Minister of the People and Social Development, Dr. Glenn Ramadharsingh, made the announcement at Thursday’s Post Cabinet Media Briefing. He said Cabinet has taken a decision to introduce the...
Posted On 18 Apr 2013
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